
Tknika - LH Euskadiko Espezializazio Eremuak

Tknikak, Euskal Herriko LHko ikerketa aplikatuko zentroak eta Errenterian kokatua, beti sarean lan egiten du zentroekin eta irakasleekin

EAE, hezkuntza eta esperientziaren bermea

EAE Business School-en kontziente gara hezkuntzaren kalitatea giltza dela enpresan balioa izateko

They have created the Next Generation EU Fund for Entrepreneurship

The Gaztenpresa Foundation has been talking for months about the arrival of new European Funds specifically for large companies.  

Jobs with the lowest unemployment by 2022

Sign up for the gym, learn English, take care of your diet, or change jobs.  

Vitoria-Gasteiz will create 710 new jobs

The City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz presented the Employment Plan 2021-2022, an ambitious commitment with a budget of 6.5 million euros for the economic recovery of the capital.

BEINT scholarships have been distributed

Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu, together with ministers Arantxa Tapia and Jokin Bildarratz, distributed 125 certificates of BEINT Internationalization grants on 1 December.

A job with almost no unemployment in the Basque Country

The youth unemployment rate in the Basque Country stands at 17.8%, according to the latest Labor Force Survey (LFS).

“The best recipe in the world,” to raise money

Mundukide and Azurmendi restaurant chef Eneko Atxa have launched the #BestWorldRecipes initiative.

Fagor Arrasate and MU, in collaboration

Fagor Arrasate and Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa (MU-EPS) have renewed their collaboration agreement.

Basque youth prefer cooperatives

International Day of Cooperatives has been celebrated all over the world under the theme 'Cooperatives build a better world'. Basque cooperativism has a firm commitment to its contribution to the d...

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