Mundu osoko enpresen eraldaketa digitalak langile kualifikatuen eskaera areagotzen ari da. Hori dela eta, enpresek talentua teknologikoa aurkitzeko erronkari ez ezik, hura atxikitzeko erronkari ere...
An interview with Alba Estanyol, Ikaslan Bizkaia, coordinator of the network of public vocational education centers, to talk about the new VET Law. In addition, Alba will talk to us about the chara...
An interview with Alba Estanyol, Ikaslan Bizkaia, coordinator of the network of public vocational education centers, to talk about the new VET Law. In addition, Alba will talk to us about the chara...
An interview with Alba Estanyol, Ikaslan Bizkaia, coordinator of the network of public vocational education centers, to talk about the new VET Law. In addition, Alba will talk to us about the chara...
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