Let's cooperate
Focused on advanced digital, advanced entrepreneurship and interoperable free trade
Our mission
We connect and promote talent in Erasmus+, vocational training, universities and startups
You will get very far with your language
Use your language on the Internet
Global Network
Digital, disruptive and collaborative people
Global Entrepreneurship Network
We teach advanced digital skills and advanced entrepreneurship skills in our language
Completely free
Digital transformation taking care of our cultural heritage
Of course
10/12/2024Alastria Announces Blockchain Awards
Metrovacesa, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Onyze, Xpander by Teknia and Blue Room Innovation, Winners of the Alastria Blockchain Awards19/11/2024National Blockchain and Digital Transformation Hackathon
Solve the Blockchain Hackathon challenge and win 10,000 euros for your projectStartup
07/02/2025LANAI, AI in the future of work
Isea launches the LANAI project to measure the impact of Artificial Intelligence on the future of work and the world of work, Gipuzkoa04/02/2025IndustrIA
The fourth edition of the IndustrIA program will train industrial companies in creative artificial intelligence14/01/2025Multimedia
04/08/2023Smart & Green Fundazioa Summer Courses from UPV/EHU
Disruption in applied sustainability to change the world through education, technology and the city. FROM EMOTION TO DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION06/06/2023What are you waiting for? Sign up
https://www.uik.eus/es/curso/smart-green-disrupzion-jasangarria-apena-mundua zehar-hezkuntza-teknologia80.000Monthly copiesPublications6 publications350.000Potential readersReadersPotential in 8 universities20.000Visits per yearEventsEuropean Student and Employment Exhibition