Sections / Orientation

An inclusive school, an urban garden or taking care of yourself

The #AdventureofLearning teaching guides help launch collaborative projects that connect classroom activity with what happens outside of them. Do not miss it! In the next link: laaventuradeapre...


The Distributed Computing Center (BSC) is located in Barcelona

Basque node of the European Research Infrastructure ESFRI SLICES-RI

In June 2021, the European Strategic Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) included the pan-European research infrastructure SLICES-RI in its RoadMap. SLICES-RI (Scientific LargeScale Infrastru...

Scholarships abroad

Now you too can #enjoy an #experience similar to what Ohiane Lafragia, a former #GlobalTraining intern, tells in this interview:… Check  #offers avai...

BasKeep Konnekt

The SPRI Group has organized BasKeep Konnekt on October 4, the first day for industrial companies and investors in the Basque Country. SPRI Group and its BasKeep platform, the first application con...

Spain wins a gold and a bronze medal in the European Vocational Training Olympics

8th edition FP European Championship 'Euroskills' 2023  

A group of Silicon Valley millionaires projected a utopian city in California

It has been secretly preparing for years, arousing the suspicions of neighbors and authorities, incubating speculation, giving way to conspiracy theories

Tech talent is hard to find

Mundu osoko enpresen eraldaketa digitalak langile kualifikatuen eskaera areagotzen ari da. Hori dela eta, enpresek talentua teknologikoa aurkitzeko erronkari ez ezik, hura atxikitzeko erronkari ere...

'Nuka', the sea lion that will help Alzheimer's

As a good IA, the stamp robot 'Nuka' acts as a technological tool in the service of medical care and social and sanitary support against Alzheimer's



Learn about the science that is done in Navarre, SINAI

Daisy Wang, Representing the World Digital Economy Forum in Europe

Smart & Green Fundazioa Summer Courses from UPV/EHU

Disruption in applied sustainability to change the world through education, technology and the city. FROM EMOTION TO DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION

What are you waiting for? Sign up zehar-hezkuntza-teknologia

Jorge Toledo. EU Ambassador to China

Europe Day Celebration in China


Blockchain Conference La Rioja

Montse Guardia Güel, Eduardo Aginako, Luis Garvía and Javier Sánchez Marcos

Facebook or the big challenges

"You promised me colonies on Mars; instead, I received Facebook."
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