
FIWARE and Alastria, hand in hand

FIWARE and Alastria announced the signing of a partnership agreement last September 29 to integrate decentralized registration technologies and blockchains.

Blockchaineko osasun-proiektu garrantzitsuenak

Zein dira osasun-arloan blockchain erabiltzen duten proiektu, aplikazio edo enpresa nagusiak?

Blockchain, a revolution in health data management

It is often very difficult to assimilate the large number of new terms created by technology, the internet or social networks.

COVID-19 and BlockChain

It is no longer new to say that when we wake up we have acquired the habit of reading our e-mails, messages and news we have received through various social networks online.

Blockchain Lab is up and running

CIFP Andra Mari LHII Institute plans to launch a blockchain technology lab next school year.

Blockchain to revolutionize the healthcare industry

MediChain Medical Big Data Platform is a blockchain solution for storing and distributing medical data.

5 ways Blockchain can improve the healthcare industry

Blockchain teknologiak asko lagundu dezake osasun sektore

Blockchain: applications and advantages in the healthcare sector

Contributions to the health of Blockchain technology

Blockchain, revolution in the management of our health data

Blockchain, a new reality that will forever change the way we manage our data.

Sandbox, approved by the Council of Ministers

Last February 18, the so-called Sandbox was approved by the Council of Ministers.

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