
Blockchain-en potentziala (II)

Eralda al dezake Blockchain-ek argitalpen eta finantzaketa akademikoa? Jarraian aztertuko dugu

Spotify plans to add Blockchain

The wave of NFT continues to add new members.

Blockchain-en potentziala (I)

Eralda al dezake Blockchain-ek argitalpen eta finantzaketa akademikoa? Jarraian aztertuko dugu

Blockchain Lab 4.0, negozio lankidetzako ildo berriak

Blockchainen sustapenerako proiektua parte hartzen duten enpresetan emaitzak ematen hasi da

METABERTSOA: eraiki beharreko etorkizun digital baten erronkak

2022a izan da ingurune digital interaktibo baten barruan negozio-aukerak ikusten hasi diren enpresa askoren jakin-mina erakartzeko abiapuntua markatu duen urtea

Blockchain is for beginners

Blockchain technology allows us to transmit data in a decentralized and secure way.  

2022ko 5 Blockchain aplikazioak

Blockchain has been one of the biggest technology trends of 2021 and looks set to remain the same next year.

Metaverse: Money and Cryptography Rules

One might think that metaverse is a series of interconnected virtual spaces, a kind of World Wide Web, but based on virtual reality.

Blockchain, the harbinger of a global crisis

The global delay in the supply chain became one of the main problems of the business world in 2021.

Conference on Blockchain

On December 2, the Rioja Logroño Technology Center hosted the La Rioj4.0 Blockchain Conference, organized by Think Tic.

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