
Blockchain is for beginners

Blockchain technology allows us to transmit data in a decentralized and secure way. Its use has traditionally been linked to cryptocurrency, but the technology sector has for years emphasized that it can be applied to any aspect of business and everyday life, from finance to administrative procedures. However, blockchain is still an issue for beginners in Spain. And among them, its application is more widespread among small companies in the technology sector.

This is the conclusion of the report presented at the Malaga Digital Content Pole. The report is entitled 'Innovation and the use of Blockchain in Spain' by the Cotec Foundation and Alastria. The study is based on a series of surveys of nearly 200 entities in the digital ecosystem, from private companies to public institutions and universities. One of its first conclusions is that more than half of the micro-enterprises in the technology sector (60%) spend more than 50% of their investment on this type of technology. The report also states that 40% of small businesses spend more than 75% of their investment on this technology.

Preferred uses

But the reality of the majority is different. Thus, the Malaga study estimates that 59% of Spanish companies surveyed spend less than 25% of their budget on the use and development of R&D, including Blockchain technology. However, the CEO of Alastria, Juan Jiménez, in Malaga, reiterated the different uses of Blockchain technology, focusing on three priority uses: traceability (from food production to production chains), registration (as a "decentralized and secure database"), and 'tokenization'. , which tends to become a representation of a real asset that can then be traded.

"Blockchain is a relatively cheap technology, which is why SMEs are investing in it," said Jiménez, adding that "there is a shortage of talent to find and retain." Not surprisingly, the report states that 68% of the companies surveyed had "difficulties in finding specialist professionals, especially technical profiles".

In this regard, the study adds that 86% of companies that use Blockchain have specialized employees, "either among their employees (61%) or through collaborations (24%)". By sector, the banking sector “stands out for its workforce, which is mostly outsourced compared to the legal sector,” according to a report presented in Malaga.

ETEek Blockchainaren erabilera lideratzen dute

Enpresa Txiki eta Ertainak Espainian Blockchain teknologiaren erabileraren buru dira. Espainiako enpresen % 59k aurrekontuaren % 25 baino gutxiago I+Gn inbertitu duen bitartean, mikroenpresen % 60k inbertsioaren % 50 baino gehiago teknologia mota honetara bideratu du eta, horietatik, % 40k      % 75 baino gehiago inbertitzen du. Sektoreka, teknologia da gehien inbertitzen duena. Hori ondorioztatzen da Cotec Fundazioak berrikuntzarako eta Alastria elkarteak prestatu duten La innovación y el uso de Blockchain en España ikerketatik, non ekosistema digitaleko ia 200 entitate ikertu diren.

Ikerketak Espainiako enpresa-ehunak (enpresa handiak, ETEak eta mikroenpresak) duen blockchain-aren erabileraren erradiografia eskaintzen du, eta bere izaera berritzailea identifikatzen du, baita unibertsitateek ezagutzaren sorreran duten eginkizuna deszentralizatutako testuinguruan. teknologiak (DLT, ingelesezko akronimoagatik). Azterketa egiteko, 152 enpresa handi, ETE eta mikroenpresari inkesta bat egin zaie, 15 autonomia erkidegotakoak -Madril eta Kataluniako pisu nabarmena dutenak- eta 21 sektore ekonomikotakoak, 26 unibertsitatez gain. Ikerketak Espainiako eta nazioarteko 12 adituri egindako elkarrizketak eta energia, osasuna, nazioarteko merkataritza, hornikuntza katea eta jasangarritasuna bezalako sektoreetako 10 erabilera kasuren aurkezpena jasotzen du.

Azterketak agerian uzten du enpresen % 97k uste duela Blockchain bere erakundean erabil daitekeela eta horietatik % 65ek dagoeneko proiektuak abian dituela. Datuek iradokitzen dute enpresek gehienbat Blockchain teknologia erabiltzen dutela negozio eredu berriak berritzeko eta sortzeko eta, neurri txikiagoan, dauden prozesuak hobetzeko. Blockchain-en sektoreen araberako erabilerei dagokienez, bankuak bere sektorean berritzeko erabiltzeagatik nabarmentzen dira. Tamainaren arabera aztertuz gero, mikroenpresak dira gehienbat Blockchain berrikuntza iturri gisa dutenak.

Ikerketaren arabera, inkestatuen % 69k Blockchain lehentasun estrategikotzat jotzen badu ere, % 23k baino ez du jarduera-lerro nagusitzat jotzen. Bestalde, inkestatutako enpresek garatutako Blockchain aplikazioen % 49 dagoeneko merkaturatze fasean daude, eta % 51 ideia, proba edo prototipo fasean daude. Funtzionalitate nagusiak trazabilitatea (% 27), erregistroa (% 22) eta tokenizazioa (% 17) dira.



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