CIFP Andra Mari LHII Institute plans to launch a blockchain technology lab next school year. After validating some course certificates for teachers at the school for the 2020-2021 academic year, and as part of the projects tutored by Tknika, they have taken a risk and set up a blockchain technology lab as a challenge for the 2020-2021 academic year.
Its head, Eduardo Aginako, says the name is not "very original", but will be called the Blockchain Lab, where it will continue this last school year, "which has been so rare in terms of ways of learning, as well as the way we communicate between teachers and students." “We also believe that this technology will give us a plus in situations of this type, as it makes it more difficult to defraud processes and documents, with clean traceability,” Aginako added.
"To do this, we have some companies that have already partnered with us that will continue to work with us, such as Innkubo Blockchain Technologies, which will leave us with mining equipment, rigs and miners, and together with Euskoblockchain and our institute, we are doing cooling tests for our equipment." says the manager. "It should be remembered that we have two very important factors in this area, the damping of the machine and the electricity consumption."
Eduardo Aginako also states: "In addition to smart contracts, and consulting, we also have the support of Code Contract, a Basque company that has been responsible for our education during this academic year in certificates and contracts, using blockchain technology. Right now we can certify our degrees for all students through this technology ".
“Our lab will be open to anyone who wants to research in this world and we have set as a goal not to be online, to be able to see and touch the things being tested in this workshop, and we would like to do face-to-face courses, or as teaching today, at least part-time, ”explains Aginako.
"We are also preparing material to include this new technology in the modules we will teach next year in the Higher Cycle in Telecommunications and Computer Science. it would be aimed at high school students in the telematics module, introducing miners and validators into the conventional networks using the ‘packet tracer’ program, ”states the head of the Blockchain Lab.
"To end what we call circular technology, as all the previous collaborating companies are located in the Basque Country, we would lack the dissemination of knowledge, which we are thinking of at the Calasanz Vocational Training Center in Santurtzi," concludes Aginako.
Eduardo Agina holds a degree in Industrial Technical Engineering from the Department of Electronics and is currently working as a lecturer in a Higher Degree in Communication Systems and Computing at the Andra Mari Institute of Vocational Training in Galdakao. At its center, they are committed to the use and promotion of blockchain technology.
One of the commitments of the Andra Mari Institute in Galdakao is to get up every day to educate its students and send them from school with the skills required by today's society. They also help them in their job search and placement: internships in companies, school job vacancies, entrepreneurship programs, dual training (business school) and the strengthening of transversal skills (knowing how to do, know how to be, know how to be).