Jada ez da berria esatea esnatzen garenean gure posta elektronikoak, hainbat sare sozialen bidez jaso ditugun mezuak eta albisteak linean irakurtzeko ohitura eskuratu dugula. Jada ez gara egunkariaren bila jaisten, baizik eta gure telefono mugikorretan edo ordenagailuen bidez irakurtzen dugu.
Egun hauetan, albiste ugari irakurtzen ari gara bizi garen une historikoari buruz, gure bizitzetan kendu ahal izango ez dugun aztarna uzten ari den "zomorroa" (COVID-19a) dela eta. Baina beste asko ere irakurri ditugu zybererasoak, lineako informazio-lapurretak... jasaten ari diren enpresei buruz.
2009an, bitcoin moneta digitala bezala ezagutzen den eta Satoshi Nakamotok garatutako zuen sistemari esker, teknologia berri bat aurkeztu zen, blockchain izenarekin ezagutzen dena. Bitartekaririk gabeko gizabanakoen arteko balio-transakzioa bermatzen duen teknologia da.
Jada asko dira bitcoin proiektuari buruz moneta digital gisa entzun dutenak, baina oso gutxi dira bitcoinen atzean dagoen teknologiaren etenaldia ulertu arte bilaketan daudenak. Blockchain informazioa bata bestearengandik desberdinak diren biltegiratze blokeak bezala definitzen da, azken segurtasun zifratzaileak erabiliz, modu deszentralizatuan eta informazio hori editatzea oso konplexua bilakatuz erregistratutakoan. Gaur egun oraindik ezinezkoa izan da sistema hau piratatzea.
In the business field, many companies are asking for more information about this technology and are interested in it. Notable among these is the great impetus given by the two entities that support this technology among the Basque Vocational Training Centers, the Orienta Zaitez Foundation and Universitario SL.
Last April, the CIFP Andra Mari LHII education center in Galdakao certified about BlockChain along with several diplomas delivered by CodeContract; such as reaping the benefits of using a fingerprint to become a single diploma and leaving irrevocable evidence by sealing it at the right time for life, avoiding fraud and / or duplication of information.
This has been possible thanks to the work and passion of teachers like Eduardo Agina, in collaboration with his team and CodeContract SL, a company that has created a technological tool to build trust through blockchain technology, maintaining information privacy and unbreakable legal evidence. CodeContract is working with private entities in a variety of sectors such as law, industry and consulting.
CodeContract did not want to forget this opportunity with the Orienta Zaitez Foundation and Universitario SL to have an impact on the education sector; therefore, different ways of working with the Calasanz education center in Santurtzi are also being studied, but in this case to have an impact on the health sector. They are working on the CodeContract tool to make incorruptible traceability of tests for COVID19. The four entities are very excited about this technology, as well as continuing to introduce new actors so that they can have a greater impact.
CodeContract was born with the goal of providing guarantees and security for actions taken in the online world by securing information and providing private transparency in all operations with a dual encryption system. It also aims to enable BlockChain to use technology in a legal and easy way.
They never store user data, but rather store encrypted codes using the SHA-256 crypto algorithm.
CodeContract provides a solution for automating and securing processes with customers while maintaining privacy and paying for what is used. It is also a fully regulated and authorized platform to run operations securely, with real-time notifications, an API connection, or a custom web design.
Sergio Gallastegui (CodeContract)