Graduates in Mechatronics or Installation and Maintenance have the highest number of jobs and vocational qualifications with a salary of more than 2,000 euros, according to the latest monthly analysis by CaixaBank Dualiza. At the other extreme are the professional families of Personal Image and Commerce and Marketing.
The CaixaBank Dualiza Vocational Training Observatory, prepared in collaboration with the Orkestra Basque Institute of Competitiveness, analyzed the employability of different qualifications and training cycles in a recent report published last January.
Its most notable consequence is that training acts as a barrier to unemployment; that is, the higher the level of training, the less likely they are to become unemployed.
Thus, graduates of VET see that their job opportunities are similar to those of a university graduate.
In contrast, those who have completed the Intermediate Degree have more opportunities to work than those who have completed the Baccalaureate.
In the same way that training acts as an obstacle to unemployment, the higher the level of training, the more stable jobs are obtained. While 5 out of 10 intermediate level students get a permanent contract, this number rises from 10 to 6 among higher education graduates.
This employability, however, varies greatly according to the cycle studied, as do the salaries received.
It is noteworthy that almost half of the graduates in Mechanical Manufacturing and Installation and Maintenance work receive more than 2,000 euros a month, if the data for the Intermediate and Advanced Degrees are taken into account as a whole.
The lowest paid families would be Personal Image, Commerce and Marketing, or Image and Sound.
While 70% of Mechanical Manufacturing graduates are at high salary levels, only 8% of Personal Image graduates are at that level.
As with the Intermediate Degree, those with the highest percentage of high salaries in the Higher Industrial Professional Family are Installation and Maintenance, Mechanical Manufacturing, and Transportation and Vehicle Maintenance. You can also find the Sea Fishing family in this group.
Secondary are STEM, such as Chemistry, Computer Science and Communications, and Health. Families with a higher percentage of graduates in lower wages are repeated in relation to Intermediate. These include Personal Image, Sociocultural and Community Services, Physical and Sports Activities, and Image and Sound.
This study has several implications, for example, in the area of career guidance. As an example, the professional family of Sociocultural and Community Services collected 16% of enrollment and 7% of physical and sports activities in the 2019-2020 academic year.
It also has an impact on the design of the training program carried out by the Public Administration. “To what extent should family cycles that lead to low-quality professional careers be promoted?” The research asks.
"This question seems appropriate even if there is express demand in the labor market, especially in this decade as indicated in the 2021 Report of the Vocational Observatory, in which more than 9.5 million job opportunities will be opened."
In view of the growing importance of the service sector in the labor market, "it seems necessary to consider how professional profiles can be created that can lead to more consistent working conditions that will lead to stronger employment in the future," he concludes.