Batxilergoko 1. mailako 1.200 ikaslek topaketa bat egin zuten iragan martxoaren 18ko goizean, streaming bidez, COVID garai honen ondorioz. Bertan, enpresen teknologietako lanbide heziketako tituludunentzako lan aukerak ezagutzeko aukera izan zuten.
Bilera Arantxa Tapia Ekonomiaren Garapen, Iraunkortasun eta Ingurumen sailburuak ireki zuen. Ondoren, Julen Elgeta HETELeko presidenteak eta, IKASLAN Araba, Bizkai eta Gipuzkoako Nora Amorenak euskal LHren aurkezpena egin zuten, beste prestakuntza modalitateen aurrean dituen abantailak eta Euskal Herriko enpresetan profil tekniko espezializatuen eskaera sendoa azalduz.
Topaketak iraun zuen ordu eta erdian, denbora izan zen garai batean lanbide heziketako zikloa ikasi zuten gazteen esperientziak eta lekukotasunak entzuteko eta Euskadiko Parkeetan, ingeniaritza, telekomunikazioak, aeronautika, energia, biozientziak, bioteknologia eta enpresetarako ikerketa aplikatua bezalako sektoreetan beren lana garatzen duten profesional desberdinen ahotsak entzuteko.
The participating centers were able to watch videos of the companies that carry out their activities in the Park and get to know first-hand the characteristics and employability of Basque vocational training and the dual vocational training modality.
The demand for qualified technical staff is not only in the Basque Country, but in the whole of Europe, and this is being seen by some of the leading organizations in the Basque Technology Park Network in technology sectors such as cybersecurity, renewable energy and biotechnology, among others.
This initiative is the result of a collaboration between the Basque Vocational Training Centers, which brings together more than 100 centers and 43,000 students, together with the Basque Network of Technology Parks with 580 integrated companies.
Technology companies account for 38% of total R&D investment in the Basque Country and require specialized scientific and technological talent, in which Basque vocational training is offered.
Vocational training centers in the Basque Autonomous Region teach training courses for more than 32 professional families, divided into three stages of vocational training and maintain collaborative relationships not only in the Basque Country, but also in European countries, with more than 8,000 companies.
The conference began at 9:00 am with Arantxa Tapia, Minister for Economic Development, Sustainability and the Environment, followed by Julen Elgeta, President of HETEL, and Nora Amorena from Ikaslan, to discuss the main data on Basque vocational training and the demand for specialized technical profiles in Basque companies.
Afterwards (9:15), personal experiences and testimonies were reported, many of them from alumni, to learn about various aspects of Vocational Training. Then it was the turn of the company managers. The event ended at 10:30 p.m.
Conference program:
HETEL is an association of 27 vocational training schools in the Basque Country. Founded in 1987, today, based on commitment, enthusiasm, creativity and collaboration, they work to improve young people's job opportunities and meet the needs of Basque companies.
In 2015, it was the first organization to receive the Silver A Award for advanced management in the field of vocational training.
Currently, the team is working on the following challenges: Job training; Dual Vocational Training and Specialization; ICT in classroom and center management; Technological innovation projects; beTEKu; International mobility and projects; Collaborative Challenge Learning Study (ETHAZI); Center administration and management; Multilingual - Basque; Basic VT; Communication; Technology services for companies; Inter-school projects; Orientation.