The Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, with the Minister of Education Cristina Uriarte and the Minister of Employment and Social Policy, accompanied by Beatriz Artolazabal, inaugurated the International Congress of Vocational Training on June 12 at the Kursaal Palace in San Sebastian. “4. With the headline of the Industrial Revolution: Technology, Sustainability and Values ”, the congress gathered over two thousand experts on June 12 and 13 in Donostia-San Sebastián, in charge of vocational training policies of the State or Autonomous Communities, teachers and directors of schools, representatives of companies or international organizations . Coming from 54 countries on five continents around the world, San Sebastian became the capital of Vocational Training for two days. At the opening ceremony, the Lehendakari presented three Basque professionals who have worked to bring the Basque Vocational Training Award to the point of reference for Basque Vocational Training: Iñaki Mujika, current Director of Tknika and previously Deputy Minister of Vocational Training from 2005-2009; Jose Mari Elolari, who was the first director of Tknika, and who launched this center; and Jose Luis Fernandez Maureri, who until recently was in charge of Tknika International (Tknika is the Research and Innovation Center for Applied Vocational Training).
European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labor Mobility Marianne Thysen also wanted to convey her message to the Kursaal through a video that was screened there. Commissioner Thysen praised Basque Vocational Training, recognizing the pioneering nature of the Basque model. "Taking inspiration from the Basque model, we have opened centers of professional excellence (in Europe) to promote regional growth, innovation and competitiveness." The Commission also spoke about the difficulty of finding many European companies with the skills needed - and currently having the skills needed. Given this situation, and seeing the need to develop a flexible model of Vocational Training, he has once again set an example of the Basque model, "in order to adapt to this rapid technological and social development," he said. “We need a system that is better adapted to the changes that are taking place around it, and which will be liked by young people; Like the one in the Basque Country, one of the best in the world, and inspiring for many in Europe. ”
Following the message from Commissioner Thysen, Manuela Geleng, Managing Director of Employment and Skills of the European Commission, spoke. He is one of the representatives of the European Commission in this conference. In his talk on "Skills for competitiveness and innovation", and following the arguments presented by the previous Commissioner, Geleng outlined the main lines of work currently being developed and promoted by the European Commission, in the field of professional skills.
The human dimension
This International Congress focused primarily on the human dimension of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Reports and conferences highlighted the importance of human beings, as well as the values that technology, robotization, intelligent systems and artificial intelligence will dominate, in the near future. The Congress focused on the people and how they are prepared, to make technology a complementary element to the welfare and advancement of society. This is how we need to train the protagonist to be a human being, and technology as a friend to help us live better.
One of the first speakers was Jorge Arevalo, Deputy Minister for Vocational Training of the Basque Government. Under the title "The Challenge of Compassion", Arevallo explained what complexity management entails and how Vocational Training schools face the challenge of complexity, in the context of smart technologies and systems: what goals should be set and, in particular, methodology and organization - deal with new builds.
Then, Humberto Bustince, Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Computation Science at the Public University of Navarra, spoke at the conference entitled "Artificial intelligence and its projection to 2025" to address the following issues: the development of artificial intelligence in the next five to six years, and artificial intelligence its practical applications in the increasingly common areas of people's lives. Strategic advisor Ana Lopez de San Roman also addressed this topic in her speech. He addressed the human dimension of intelligent environments, and explored the importance of the values that humans need to cultivate in this environment, the values called 4.0.
Another two of the focus of this conference was the theme of sustainability as part of the program, which included a total of 18 conferences, developed by experts from Europe, the Americas and Oceania. The importance and prominence of this case was also given to people and their well-being.
In addition to lectures on sustainability (Tknika - Center of the Basque Autonomous Community of Research and Innovation applied to Vocational Training) or on the circular economy (Ecoalf - which produces clothing, shoes and accessories with fishing nets) The second day of the congress addressed issues of importance to the daily life of the people in the near future.
The following speeches should be highlighted: Eduardo Carrasco's “Salud 4.0. Lecture entitled "Envejecimiento saludable", which addressed the support that technology can give in an aging society; or a lecture by Thoracic surgeon Stephany Laguna entitled "Biomodels Impression" - explaining the breakthroughs that are happening in surgery thanks to 3D printing of biomodels. Cybersecurity and computer crimes, 4.0 Gastronomy or digital twinning were other topics.