TikToken’s simple interface has catapulted the social network to unprecedented success. Logically, competitors are launching their alternatives, as is the case with Instagram, which has launched Reels for short videos, which are clearly copied from TikToke.
But Snapchat goes the other way and is forced to copy content like TikTok. His interpretation is “Spotlight,” a new social network that will no doubt have a say in terms of short videos.
With this new feature coming to Snap’s social network, the creators of the stories will receive a good injection of money. Snapchat explained in its ad that it will distribute more than a million dollars a day to content creators, including those who get more outreach with their short videos, of course. Along with this announcement, Snapchat has published a content guide for those over 16 only.
This feature is currently being rolled out to countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, and France. So for now we will have to wait in Spain.
Within this, it is a movement that aims to become an alternative to TikTok, they want to differentiate themselves from Snap from this other social network, based on vision. Therefore, there is no option to comment on the content or send messages to short visual content creators.
We’ve seen in recent days how the marketing of Fleets on Twitter has caused real chaos with comments and responses from their creators, all of whom have been sent directly to the creators.
Snapchat’s algorithms will review videos uploaded to the social network to veto those that may contain violent content or are inappropriate for the game rules added by the social network. For now we will have to wait in Spain, but as seen in the images shared on social media, we will now have a new icon at the bottom of the screen to access these short videos.
Erabiltzeko modua TikTok-en antzekoa izango da, hatz bat irristatuz bideo batetik bestera mugitzeko aukera ematen duen interfaze sinple batekin. Logikoki Snapchat alternatiba on gisa merkatuan kokatzen saiatzen ari da, eta beti bezala, iragazkiak eta errealitate areagotuak ematen duten balio erantsiarekin, beti erakutsi duena eta lehiakideen aurretik egon dena.
Zalantzarik gabe, diruaren pizgarriak desberdintasunak izan ditzake, edukia sortzen duten jende gehiago egon dadin, nahiz eta diruari dagokionez, ziur aski, etorkizunean are gehiago eskaintzen duten beste batzuk egongo dira.
Denek nahi dute Tik Tok bezalakoa izan. Modako sare soziala da eta bere arerioek badakite. Aurtengo uztailean ikusi genuen Google-k Shop-loop erosketetarako merkaturatu zuela edo abuztuan Instagram-ek bere Reels abiarazi zuen.