
Smart glasses for visually impaired

Through the Horizon 2020 2020 framework program, the aim is to contribute to the visual impairment of assets. The development of the project is part of a consortium. This consortium is made up of 12 partners from five countries, including universities, technology centers, hospitals and private companies. The project is led by the University of Seville (Spain), and the coordinator will be Ramón González Carvajal, Professor of Electronic Engineering.
See Far aims to have an adaptive solution, digitally prepared, which will provide support for the most active citizens with visual impairment (because visual impairment is directly related to age). Thanks to the development of this tool, these workers can continue to participate actively in professional life. They will also be able to maintain and renew their skills related to work and personal life and independent, active and healthy lifestyles.
This new tool aims to be very modest in its design, low cost, which will ensure a work environment and an intelligent and adaptable life. To do this, it works with four key components: physical health, ergonomics / environment, technology and management practices.
Two components
Thus, See Far's solution will have two main components: first, See Far intelligent glasses, which adapt to the needs of users and optimize their vision when using a visual assistant, captures the state of the eye, which detects the problem and adapts to the reality of increased technology through use; and secondly, the Far Far mobile application, which allows the monitoring of the development of the visual center and the risk of the presence of diseases (for example, diabetes risk, cardiovascular risk ...). This app will capture the images of the retina through a digital straight optic coupled coupler to a smart phone, it will analyze and estimate the type and age of visual impairment using 'machine learning' techniques.
See Far's mobile device output (presence presence of a visual problem) and See Far's smart glasses output (the user's visual impairment and behavioral problems) will be combined by the user's suggestion or support initiative, through increased reality. This will allow the user to maintain an independent, active and healthy life style. Suggestions and / or support proposals will be adapted to the user's profile through the personalized vision suggestion service.
A combination of advanced technologies will be used in artificial vision, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence, in response to the challenges and goals of the Far Project project.
The project will include the construction of a predefined prototype and its validation (not medical) in real environments by means of tests with users. For this purpose, the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation program has received funding of 4 million euros.
In this way, it is clear that technology has come to the world of vision, and indeed to the world of glasses and lenses. In fact, 93% of citizens over 40 years of age confirm that they have visual impairments with 7% of visual impairment. The percentage drops to 72% when it comes to Spanish citizenship. Myopia (29%), astigmatism (24.8%) and hypermetropia (7.8%) are the main pathologies. As age progresses, visual impairment increases, but it is also a problem for young people. People between the ages of 18 and 34 have myopia problems with an average of 2.94 diopters.


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