
Physical exercise and a game

This time we will talk about a video game that Nintendo has just released: Ring Fit Adventure, which is also used for physical exercise. To do this, we will use the personal experience that journalist Gema García Marcos will tell us, without neglecting the characteristics of the video game.

"I found it after visiting a lot of video game stores - it's been among the best-selling gifts for months and it's literally sold out - and I finally got my Nintendo Ring Fit Adventure open in November in my living room. , without getting up from the couch, and without realizing it, through the game, I started a fitness routine.I have achieved the goal, and even more: now not only himself, but also I am a lover of healthy living but wandering in nature and video games and consoles which I don't like very much or at all. I've been hooked on playing Ring Fit Adventure and I'm totally immersed in the world of fitness. What I haven't tried in the gym for years and now I've stolen my baby's ring ... it's mine, as Gollum would say. "

Jarraitzen du Gemak: "Horrela, duela hilabete bat baino pixka bat gehiago aldizka jolasten dut -bai, engantxatuta nago, aitortzen dut- eta horrek lagundu dit, nire familiarekin ondo pasatzeaz eta barre egiteaz gain, kilo pare bat galtzen eta, hala ere, ez adina irabazten turroia, nire dieta edo ohiturak aldatu gabe. Nire kasuan, Ring Fit Adventure-k abantailak besterik ez ditu: ia ez dut nire denbora beharrik (egunean 30 minutu inguru pasatzen ditut, edo bi egunetik behin, estresik gabe, egokitzen zaidanean eta gustura nagoenean, mailak gainditzea erronka batean bihurtu delako) eta ez dut gimnasio batean eroritako ahatea izatearen sentsazio mingarria. Izan ere, han edonor altuagoa, guapoagoa eta izerdi gutxiago duela dirudi". 
"Tramankulu hau askapen bat izan da niretzat. Niretzako guztiz egokitutako fitness errutina da, ordutegirik gabe edo egunean neure buruarekin egoteko daukadan denbora libre apurra arriskuan jarri beharrik gabe".


"Ring Fit Adventure is very easy to operate, with no difficult operation or preparation. To get started, one of the Nintendo Switch controls should be placed in the Ring-Con, in the ring, and the other should be placed in the middle of the thigh, held in place by the tape. is, with no time to waste and ready to become a hero with exercise, ”says Gema.

"The first thing is to choose a character and determine our height, age, weight and fitness level, in my case, a beginner. Then decide how we want to play, with custom workouts, mini-games or, my favorite, Adventure mode, your enemies while you are going through an imaginary world.This mode is twofold: a fitness board and a story at the same time.The virtual world that this adventure recreates is amazing.You don't realize you are doing a great job of cardio and strength while you feel like a real hero, and minutes a day you can rarely get amazing results.In addition, the device detects your posture and corrects possible technical errors.Best at the beginning of each session the game asks us if we want to decrease or increase the intensity of the exercise (which is appreciated because you are not the same every day) and always start and end that is with some simple exercises, warm-ups and stretches, as in any physical workout the ".



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