The fourth edition of the Euskelec competition for electric vehicles produced by vocational training centers was presented on 26 May at the Ensanche building in Bilbao. Rikardo Lamadrid Intxaurraga, Director of Technology and Advanced Learning at the Basque Government's Department of Education, took part in the event, accompanied by Koldo Narbaiza Olaskoaga, Bilbao City Councilor for Euskera and Education. Also present at the presentation were Gaizka Lazarobaster, Head of Automotive at TKNIKA (Vocational Training, Department of Education) and one of Alterity's founding partners. one was Xavi Safont Aparicio.
This coming Saturday, the 29th, the final phase of the competition was played in front of the Bilbao Maritime Museum, from 10:00 to 18:00. "There will be dynamic and endurance vehicle tests, and you will be able to see first-hand the result of the work done by the centers during the school year," explained Rikardo Lamadrid.
Euskelec lehiaketan Euskadiko Lanbide Heziketako ikastetxeetako ikasleek ibilgailu elektriko bat diseinatzen eta eraikitzen zuten, oinarri eragile komun batetik abiatuta (motorra, motorraren kontrolatzailea eta bateriak), talde-lana sustatzeko, eta jarduera esperimentala eta sortzailea elementu pedagogiko gisa erabiltzeko, ibilgailu elektrikoen ezagutza teknikorako. Potentzia-trena Alterityk garatu du Euskal Herrian. Alterity enpresa Barakaldon dago eta elektromugikortasunerako eta industria-makinetarako litiozko bateriak egiten ditu.
Lehiaketak bi fase zituen; batetik, fase teknikoa eta sormenezkoa (proiektuaren memoria, diseinua eta berrikuntza, besteak beste) eta, bestetik, fase dinamikoa. Azken horretan, ibilgailuen prestazioak, ezaugarriak eta diseinua ebaluatzen dira, eslalom, azelerazio eta gehieneko balaztatzeko proben bidez, besteak beste.
Lehen fasea AIC Centerren instalazioetan egin zen, Zornotzako Boroa enpresa-parkean, maiatzaren 6an. Proiektuaren aurkezpenak egin ziren, bai eta ibilgailuen aurretiko egiaztapenak ere.
Bigarren fasea maiatzaren 29an egin zen, Bilboko itsas museoaren aurrean. Egun horretan, bada, taldeek beren prototipoak probatu zituzten proba dinamikoetan.
Competition details
The second phase took place on May 29th. Here is the schedule and itinerary:
Euskelec is a competition in which students in vocational training schools in the Basque Country must design and build a 100% electric vehicle, based on a common operating base (engine, engine driver and batteries), to promote teamwork among students, and experimental activity. to use the creator as a pedagogical element for the technical knowledge of electric vehicles.
The competition has two phases: a technical and creative phase, which includes challenges in the areas of design, innovation and communication (all represented in a project report and presented to an expert jury); and the dynamic phase. In this second phase, the performance, characteristics and design of the vehicles will be evaluated through slalom, acceleration, maximum braking and endurance tests. As a result of these tests, a number of prizes will be awarded to highlight the excellence of the teams in certain aspects of the competition.
The tournament is a platform to train and promote technicians specializing in electric traction vehicles, and encourages experimentation with new manufacturing techniques and the use of new materials. Participants will be able to respond to the needs arising from a new model of mobility - based on electric traction vehicles - and new industrialization models.
The competition has two phases. The first phase, corresponding to the technical and creative field, and the second phase, the most dynamic test. The first phase takes place at the AIC Center, in the Boroa business park in Amorebieta. At this stage, projects will be presented. The work and evolution of the participating groups in the Euskelec project will be reflected. The second phase was held on May 29th.