
World Conference of Cooperatives, Seoul

Idoia Mendia, Vice-President of the Basque Government, and Iñigo Albizuri, Director of Institutional Relations at MONDRAGON, were in Seoul with a large Basque delegation taking part in the World Congress. Both spoke at the conference, emphasizing the need to strengthen the identity of cooperatives.

The congress was held from December 1 to 3 and was inaugurated by the President of the Republic of Korea, Moon Jae-in, and the Minister of Economy, Hong Nam-ki, under whose auspices the country's cooperatives are under his control. Ariel Guarco, President of the International Cooperative Alliance, and Bruno Roelants, Director General, also attended the opening ceremony and welcomed representatives of the world cooperative movement at the opening ceremony and thousands of people who attended the event online.
Speaking at the opening speech, Ariel Garcia, President of the International Co-operative Alliance, thanked Korea for its hospitality and said that the aim of this World Co-operative Conference is to in a global context that is still critical and questionable in environmental areas. "

MU researchers speak

Mondragon Unibertsitatea researchers took part in the World Cooperative Conference in Seoul, South Korea. The 33rd International Conference, held from 1 to 3 December, was also attended by a large number of delegates from the Basque Country.

Two groups from Mondragon Unibertsitatea took part in the World Cooperative Congress. On the one hand, and in person, Jose Mari Luzarraga and Aitor Lizartza from the MTA and the Faculty of Business Studies. On the other hand, through a video conference presentation, Ainara Udaondo, Director of the LANKI Cooperative Research Center, and Leire Uriarte, Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Cooperativism and Socio-Business Management. Ana Agirre and Lucia Cuesta, two alumni of the Leadership in Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Leinn), also took part in the event.

As mentioned, there was a large representation at the Seoul Congress, which was attended by Idoia Mendia, Vice-President of the Basque Government and Minister of Labor and Employment, Elena Pérez Barredo, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Security, Iñigo Albizuri, Director of Institutional Relations at MONDRAGON Corporation, Javier Goienetxea , President of the MONDRAGON Congress, Patxi Olabarria, President of the CSCE-EKGK and Rosa Lavin, President of Konfekoop.

The aim of the 33rd World Co-operative Congress was to explore co-operative identity. Given the current global crisis, the aim of the discussions was to deepen the cooperative identity by analyzing its values, consolidating its actions, committing to its principles and celebrating its achievements.


Idoia Mendia Eusko Jaurlaritzako lehendakariordeak kongresu horretan parte hartu zuen ponentzia batekin. Bertan azaldu zuen euskal kooperatibaren alternatiba lehiatzeko abantaila gisa ziurgabetasunez beteriko eta eraldaketa betean dagoen mundu honetan, eta mahai-inguru batean eztabaidatu zuen beste herrialde batzuetako ordezkariekin batera, arrakastaz aplikatutako ereduei buruz.


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