Norway is the country with the highest number of electric vehicles per capita in the world. In 2017 alone 21% of the new vehicles were electric and if we add the hybrid models, 52% of the cars sold in the country during the past year were electric or hybrid. So, for the first time, the Scandinavian country has had a share in the fossil fuel market below 50 percent.
Thanks to its energy strategy, the Scandinavian country is at the forefront of the evolution towards a sustainable electric model. According to the Norwegian Trade and Tourism Office in Spain, the volume of energy required by transport accounts for a quarter of the total consumption of the country, which is why they consider electrification as totally viable.
Benefits for drivers of electric vehicles in Norway
One of the keys that has guaranteed its success is the aid plan it has provided to citizens: exempting new electric cars from almost all taxes, granting benefits such as free or subsidized parking, charging points system and use of motorways , ferries and tunnels.
The electrification of Norwegian mobility will affect land and air transport. The country has set as its goal that by 2025 all cars, city buses and new light vans will be zero emissions. If we take a look at rail transport, we will discover that it is already electrified by 78%. For its part, all national air traffic must be electric by 2040.