Motor elektrikoak bizikleta tolesgarrietara iritsi dira. Hiri-inguruneetarako pentsatua den belozipedoen bariante honek gurpil txikiak ditu, baina laguntza artifizialak konpentsatu egiten du.
Izan ere, hirietako kale eta etorbideetatik mugitzea, normalean jendez beterik daudela, XXI. mendeko hiriek aurrean duten erronka handienetako bat da. Aurreko mendean auto pribatua mugikortasunaren eta aurrerapenaren ikonotzat hartu zen, baina egun, lekuko hori ibilgailu elektrikoetara pasatu da, hala nola carsharingeko ibilgailuetara, patineteetara, motoetara eta, jakina, bizikletetara.
Baina belozipedoak ez dira jada gurpil pare bat, kate bat, koadro bat, aldagailua eta balazta batzuk; aitzitik, smartizatu egin dira. Eboluzio horren aldaera batek motor elektrikoak (geroz eta eraginkorragoak eta arinagoak), argi-sistema adimenduak edo aginte landuak hartzen ditu barnean. Peugeot Design Lab-en, osagai horiek guztiak hartu zituzten oinarritzat, diseinua gehitu zioten eta 2016an beren lehen bizikleta tolesgarri elektrikoa eta minimalista sortu zuten. Firmak eredu hori gaurkotu du Peugeot EF02-rekin, eta 1.499 eurotik aurrerako saltzen du.
The test was conducted before the pandemic forced citizens to stay at home. If the air impinges on the pedals permeates the sensations of euphoria and freedom in the face, the same experience occurs when riding an electric bicycle on a different journey.
At maximum speed, (almost 30 miles per hour), the electrified bike lasts 60 miles. This motor, which encourages pedaling (even if not replaced, as the legs must always be moved), provides support when it needs to be restarted at traffic lights, even on slopes. It is an energy chute, which is reflected in the saving of time: instead of spending 60 minutes on the route, they spend about 40 minutes on electricity.
The technical specifications mark that once the battery is exhausted, it is enough to recharge it for two and a half hours on a power outlet. When the left handle display is turned on, which controls the electrical system, the front and rear LED lights are connected. A look at the screen shows the speed (0 to 4) or battery level. On the right side there are changes: eight sprockets, which adapt well to the rhythm of the city and, together with the electric support, which represent the small size of the wheels (it is foldable), which lead to more pedaling.
"It's the second generation of an iconic model that develops all the features of its predecessor," explains Peugeot. It is true that EF02 did not finish this artie that it had before. Rather than aesthetics, he looked more at practicality: “Its exterior looks stronger, with a more comfortable chair, and can be folded in five seconds,” they explain from the firm. Despite its commitment to comfort, the bike exudes a bit of sophistication with its aluminum chassis, and some carbon fiber finishes. As you walk through the city, this is confirmed by the gaze of pedestrians, questions from other bicycle users or the curiosity of riders.