There have been many articles and tweets on the applications of artificial intelligence in recent years in websites, magazines and newspapers. The forecasts cover many sectors: health and industry, entertainment and employment. As explained in an article published by The Forbes in Karsten Strauss, some applications scanning resumes hire new employees, judging their value. It is clear, therefore, that this technology will change our society.
In science-fiction books and famous films, the police can stop killing by those who predict the future. It is a brilliant concept and an interesting example of potential uses of artificial intelligence. But the decision and control, in this case, for example, has been handed over to the manikins, and some believe it would prevent the occurrence of this in the real world.
People have the right to own future and the machine does not have to take decisions on its behalf. According to a article by Lorenzo Longhitano, a computer decides whether or not a patient should be healed in a hospital. After that, he says that he has to draw a clear line around this issue, for example, Roberto Viola of the European Commission.
With the development of in-depth study, there is no need for a situation where condemned innocence or our state of health is predicted only because an algorithm compares some options. Although the value of computers is indispensable, and although our society has grown more accurately in specific domains, it does not want computers to make decisions independently, without any contribution or control, or adapting the future of individuals.
It will always be a human element that will add to the assessment and control of the data calculation, which will make decisions. Making decisions on machines would lead to an orwellian monitoring of our lives and we would lose control over our future. GDPR would be a new constitution of the digital constitution that guarantees the protection of personal data.
But we still have to go ahead, because this is the future. According to a report released by Accent, Artificial Intelligence can promote 38 per cent profitability before 2035. Deep study can make a more detailed diagnosis in hospitals, which leads to life saving. Reducing air and water pollution, boosting innovation, smoothing traffic, making industrial production more efficient ... But we must be sure that people are controlling and we need to understand when program algorithms run.
Artificial Intelligence allows many social challenges to be resolved, but it is also becoming a social challenge. It also raises a number of ethical and philosophical questions, such as: who will be responsible for the errors made by the algorithms, if the systems are transparent and secure ... That is why Viola believes that European values and principles must be included in all applications.
It is important to take these aspects into account when discussing political actions. Today, we are in the midst of this debate and the Commission will soon present a strategy. People will be involved in any thorough EU study and artificial intelligence. The goal is to make Europeans use new technologies, not vice versa.