
"Hondakin bati bigarren bizitza bat ematen diogu"

Have you ever had a seed paper in your hands that you can replant after you use it to make it reusable? That's what Sheedo has to offer. Founded in 2015, Sheedo manufactures sustainable products such as paper, and its customers include Coca Cola, Sony, Telefónica and Inditex. In this interview, Gala Freixa, its founder, talks about this company that is a model of sustainability.


What is Sheedo?
Sheedo is a small revolution that begins to plant a seed, the seed of change. We decided to create paper with seeds in order to provide a communication tool that was different from large companies.

This unique paper is made of cotton and has seeds in its composition. That way, once used, it is not thrown away ... it is planted!

At Sheedo we combine design, craftsmanship and innovation to create sustainable marketing solutions. Apart from paper, we also offer a wide range of environmentally friendly products that are responsibly manufactured.

How did you come up with the idea?
The idea was born in college: my partner Gonzalo and I had the same passion for entrepreneurship and we also loved nature very much; we were also very clear that we wanted to create a company with our values. The initial idea was to create a brand of packaging and, while looking for a different and reusable ‘packaging’, we came across the concept of seed paper.

At that time it was just a method of sowing, it could neither be printed nor treated. The first challenge was to find an impression method for such a confusing paper and then commercialize this product that is so innovative that it has never been tested in the market. From there we grew, as well as overcoming obstacles day by day. Lack of experience and lack of specialists in paper and printing led us to surround ourselves with specialists and fall in love with our passion.

How does your paper differ from conventional paper?
Our paper is made from recycled cotton in the textile industry. That is, we do not cut down trees to manufacture it, but give a second life to a waste. It also has this magical touch of seeds: once used it is not thrown away, it is planted.

Were you responsible before you set up a company on the issue of sustainability?
Actually, yes, especially when we started college and became aware of the environmental catastrophe that humans are creating.

What contribution does the use of your products have to the environment?
Sheedo is much more than a paper, it is the seed of change that leads to more responsible consumption. We want to convey with Sheedo that “even the tallest tree has been a seed”, which means that every big project starts with a small action, such as planting a seed or starting to be conscious when it comes to consuming plastic. Imagine what 75 billion people might think if small changes make a difference...

What kind of products do you manufacture?
At Sheedo we make sustainable marketing products; if a company is thinking of doing a campaign based on respect for the environment and people, we make that a reality.

Right now we have a variety of sustainable papers that have been produced without cutting down trees and without toxic chemicals. Our star product is seed paper. With this paper any medium can be made: ‘flyers’, invitations, business cards, labels, etc., and once they have fulfilled their use, they can be cultivated, creating a life and lending resources back to nature.

We have other products, such as plantable chocolates, that serve to “soften the soil”. They are cotton and seed balls and begin to germinate with a little water and begin to decorate the garden with flowers.

Other special products that we have recently released are Earth Pills: they are biodegradable pills that contain seeds in their composition that represent healing for the environment. It’s just a pill you need to get into the ground to “plant the seed of change” and make them aware of the importance of caring for our planet.

What kind of customers do you have?
On the one hand we have big companies, such as Coca Cola, Sony, Telefónica or Inditex, that need original ways to surprise and communicate to show their corporate social responsibility, but we also work with councils, foundations or small businesses that are committed to the environment. Most of them buy from us on special days, such as Women’s Day or Christmas, to give a different touch to their products.

Being a young and new company, have you encountered many obstacles to consolidating this?
In the beginning there are always obstacles and difficulties, but mainly due to lack of experience. The best thing we can do is surround ourselves with expert people, ask for help and stop helping. Looking at customers was also supposed to be a barrier at first, but if you show professionalism and commitment, those obstacles disappear. We have noticed that there is a lot of consideration for the flexibility that a young company can have, and that is a point that favors us.

In your opinion, what is the best and worst thing about being an entrepreneur?
In my opinion, the best thing about being an entrepreneur is the emotional feeling of building your own path surrounded by the professional people you choose, with whom you share a passion for pursuing that. After all, it is a personal project, with your worries, values ​​and desires.

Perhaps the worst thing about being an entrepreneur is the amount of energy and effort you put into the project, seeing it go very slowly (or sometimes even backwards), and especially in the beginning. We have to fight with a lot of frustration and a lot of ups and downs, and yet not give up and move on.

How are your products available?
We offer a personalized service by post, telephone or in person, as well as through an ‘e-commerce’.

Sheedo-ko fundatzailekide eta salmenten buruz bezala, zer iritzi duzu emakumearen egoerari buruz lan-merkatuan?
Argi dago desberdintasuna lanean badagoela eta datu erreal eta kezkagarri bat da. Hala eta guztiz ere, pertsonalki, nik izan dudan lan-esperientzia bakarra nire enpresan izan da eta oso baikorra izan da. 

Espainian ekimen eta lehiaketa asko atera dira emakumeen ekintzailetza sustatzeko; beraz, alde horretatik, eskerrak bakarrik eman ditzaket. Bestalde, egia da emakume ekintzaile askoz ere gutxiago daudela, baina horregatik garrantzitsua da gu horretan murgiltzea eta erreferente gehiago sortzea, hurrengo belaunaldiak anima daitezen ekitera.

Nola animatuko zenituzke gazteak enpresa bat sortzea den euren ametsekin jarraitzera?
Arbolarik handiena ere hazi bat izan zen! Edozein aldaketa edo proiektu mugimendu txiki-txiki batekin hasten da, hazi bat landatu bezala; kontua hastea da. Eta egunetik egunera hori ureztatzen eta zaintzen bazoaz, apurka-apurka haziz joango da. Eguraldi txarreko egunak izango dira, beste batzuk eguzki distiratsudunak, baina zure helburua inoiz ez baduzu alboratzen, zure erronka, azkenean, lortzen duzu. 

Hori da ekintzailetzan gehien gogoko dudana: txurian dagoen mihise bat da eta zuk nahi duzuna izan daiteke. 

Zein helburu dituzue Sheedo-n etorkizunari begira?
Gure zeregina pertsonak kontzientziatzea da naturaren alboan egoteko beharraz, hori zaitzeaz, kontsumo jasangarriko alternatiben bitartez publizitateko eta 'packaging'eko munduan. 'Merchandising' iraunkorreko enpresa erreferentea izan nahi dugu, ez bakarrik Espainian, baita Europan ere, non dagoeneko gure lehen aliantzak isten hari garen.



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