
We have USE, once again

The University Admission Assessment Exams for the 2021-2022 academic year will be held on June 8, 9 and 10 (regular call) and July 6, 7 and 8 (extraordinary call). The University of the Basque Country and the Department of Education of the Basque Government have been working closely together throughout the academic year to ensure that the USE test is carried out with the highest health guarantees.

Given the current situation, the public universities and the Department of Education have ensured a higher number of residences than usual so that the tests can be performed in the best health conditions. Thus, in this year's test, three more will be added to the regular residences of the three UPV / EHU campuses: BEC in Bizkaia, FICOBA in Gipuzkoa and Iradier Arena in Álava.

With last year’s positive experience in mind, the timetable has been redesigned this year to ensure compliance with hygiene, safety and organizational measures, as well as to improve student expectations and breaks. Participants must bring their own desk material (pens, rulers, calculator, etc.) for the exam, and must maintain the established minimum safety distance at all times. Wearing a mask at all times will also be mandatory. Before entering the classroom, all persons should wash their hands with soap and water, or with a hydroalcoholic solution placed at the entrances to the classrooms. The instructions given by the head or secretary of the relevant jury must always be followed.

USE azterketak berregituratzea 

Bestetik, COVID-19aren pandemiak sortu duen ezohiko egoera dela eta, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateak eta Hezkuntza Sailak, 2020an egin bezala, USEko gaien azterketen berregituraketa mantentzea adostu dute. Funtsean, berregituraketa datza azterketa bakoitzaren hautazkotasuna handitzean, aukera emanez nahasteko, modu ordenatuan eta galdera bakoitzaren puntuazioaren arabera, azterketa bakoitzaren A eta B aukeretako galderak. Ereduak, orientabideak eta ebaluazio zein zuzenketa irizpideak ikasturte hasieran ezarri ziren, eta probarako erabili ohi direnak dira. 


It has two phases: the access phase and the acceptance phase.
Admission phase: The aim is to measure whether students have the maturity and basic skills required to complete their official undergraduate university studies at the end of high school. It has the following tests:

  • Spanish and Literature
  • Basque Language and Literature
  • Spanish history
  • 1st foreign language II: English, French or German
  • Compulsory subject of the 2nd year of high school:
  • Sciences:
    • Mathematics II
    • Humanities and Social Sciences:
    • The path of the Human Sciences: Latina II
    • Path to the Social Sciences: Mathematics Applied to the Social Sciences II
    • Arts:
    • Fundamentals of Art II

Each exam will last an hour and a half.

Each test will be given from 0 points to 10 points. The grade will be the arithmetic mean of the grades for all exams, to three decimal places.

Admission Phase: Voluntary. The student can choose any subject from a maximum of four optional subjects in the high school trunk. Some of the subjects taken in the Access Phase may also serve to raise the grade. To be considered for the grade obtained in the subjects taken in this phase, the student must score 5 points or more and their time value will be the same as for all the subjects in the Admission Phase.

Admission Phase grading can also be used for the next two academic years after passing the test to enter university.

Each exam will last an hour and a half. Each topic will be awarded from 0 to 10 points. To be considered for the grade, the student must score 5 points or more.

Upon registration, the student must indicate which subject will be examined in the Admission Phase if he / she is to complete this second section.

The exercises of the subject will be the same in the Access Phase and in the Admission Phase. They will have two options (A and B) and the student will have to select one of them. In any case, the opportunities will be closed.

What it takes to pass the test

If the weighted average mark between the baccalaureate grade and the entrance phase grade (60% corresponds to the baccalaureate and 40% to the entrance phase) is obtained 5 points or more, the test will be considered passed if the student has obtained at least 4 points in the entrance phase.

Improving the grade

If desired, it is possible to improve the grade of the access phase or the grade of one of the subjects of the admission phase. The grade obtained in the last call will be taken into account, as long as it is better than the previous one. If the entrance phase is passed, this grade will be retained for the student without limit; the marks of the admission phase, on the other hand, will only be saved for the next two academic years after taking the exams.

Review grades

  1. If a request for revision of the examination is made, such examination shall be conducted by a proofreader who has not made the first correction.
  2. First, check that no errors have been made in calculating the grade and that all questions have been corrected and graded.
  3. If there is an error, he will direct the examination. The grade will be the arithmetic mean between the first grade and the second. If the difference between the first and second amendments is more than two points, the third amendment shall be made ex officio. The final grade will be the arithmetic mean between the three grades.
  4. If there is a mistake, he will correct them, and then he will correct the part that has no errors. The final grade will be the average of the grades obtained in the first and second correction in the part where there was an error, plus the score obtained in correcting the errors.
  5. Because it is a revision, the final grade may be lower or higher than the initial grade, or the same. And, in fact, correcting mistakes is likely to get a worse grade.
  6. The jury will decide on the final grade and will notify the claimant.
  7. Once the exam review process is complete, the period will open to apply for a review of the reviewed exams.



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