The goal of the conference of the centers of the digital innovations (Digital Innovation Hubs, DIH) to strengthen the ability is of the European companies transform to help in digital. The medium-sized companies and the small ones, the researches and technology institutions, the DIH and the political persons in charge there are gonbidatut to taking part in the conferences.
In Warsaw it will be celebrated of 2018 Digital Innovation Hubs to conference. This year the European Commission, the Innovation department of the Activist and Technology Ministry of Poland and I4MS the initiative has accompanied in the organization, with the economic aid of the European Union.
Of the industry of Europe transform to bring together all the entity and person that in digital are taking part waits. The Centers of the Digital Innovations are of the industry of Europe transform the center of the digital one. Already that they are, to the companies helping, to the especially medium-sized and small ones, its products, the processes and the services digitalizing the technology thanks to the berrikuntze.
First as we have said, the goal of the conference is to strengthen the ability of the centers of the digital innovations, to help the European companies its transform in all the processes of digital. The conference will be also special, in this moment also “the Digital Europe the program” because it is preparing itself.
What do you win with the conference?
The Centers of the Digital Innovations its technological services, those with innovation and train they will have the option to improve the abilities, and to turn on the help on the other side of the limit also. In the same way also, they will have the option to present its successful stories.
The persons in charge to formulate the politics of the nation and of the region about the DIH perspective they will speak about desberdin and in future to guarantee the presence of these with all what still needs to be done. Likewise, it will be spoken about eskualde that do still not have the protection.
For the medium-sized and small companies it will be very interesting because there will also be different acts with example; so that the investor attracts a kind of trainings, of them ideak to present and to get the subsidies. There will be varied acts, it| is-all very enriching.
The excellent option is without doubt the Small and Medium Enterprises and the DIH its organizations, the conferences, to present the acts and the projects and to promote the collaboration over the frontier.
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