
Damon Hypersport Pro: Press and change the button

Aurtengo urtarrilean aurkeztu zen Las Vegasko Consumer Electronics Show azokan eta, azkenean, haren zifrak jakitera eman ziren, ikusgarriak: 200 CV, 200 Nm-ko motorra eta 320 km-ko autonomia.

Informazio gehiago: 0 km/h 95 km/h-rako azelerazioa 3 segundo baino gutxiagotan egin du, karga osoa 3 ordukoa da, eta prezioa gasolinako kirol-moto batena da: 20.000 €, 23.600 dolar inguru.

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CoPilot system

The positioning system comes with a very different system, CoPilot, which BlackBerry (the same company that makes mobile phones) uses an application combined with cameras and sensors to detect the speed and direction of other vehicles in the motorcycle environment. All of this is processed by an IMU to anticipate threats and alert the driver with LEDs, vibrations, or a digital retrospective mirror.

In addition, each time the driver reacts to a warning, by braking or moving away, the data is transmitted to the cloud so that the system can learn and adapt to the driver’s style.

These types of systems, known as A Accident Warning System for Motorcycles (AWSM), are systems that warn of the potential dangers of motorcycles, warning of the perceived danger associated with motorcycles.

Three levels of risk detection

With its unique CoPilot, Damon offers three levels of AWSM available to choose from:

  1. level: Basic detection: the motorcycle is equipped with the necessary sensors to detect a possible collision from all sides and to warn the driver.
  2. level: Forecast: The motorcycle is equipped with the necessary sensors and cameras to detect its direction and speed, as well as the surrounding vehicles, to predict their potential for movement and danger.
  3. level: Maximum automation: the bike is equipped with the sensors needed to understand the skills and intentions of the rider and the IMU.

This third level will use real-time information on the state of the road and the environment to adjust gas, brakes and other functions, not to drive in a way that exceeds the skill level of the rider and / or rider, as well as taking into account the conditions of the route.

This advanced system can include tire retention, the radius of a specific curve, or the stopping distance in front of a stationary object.

It will end up imposing

For those who do not trust these types of systems, Damon believes that "because emotional distractions or irrational reactions are not controlled, computers react much faster than humans."

"As the world shifts to autonomous driving - especially in cars - the need for safer motorcycles with smart systems will grow at the same rate."



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