Computer scientists -engineers or those with a higher education cycle-, specialists in mechanical manufacturing or electrical and electronics, and people with training in construction and civil works have more opportunities this year in the Basque Country. This is confirmed by the report 'Employment and qualification needs of Basque companies for 2022'. This report is a biennial survey carried out by Confebask and the employers' associations of the territory -Adegi (Gipuzkoa), Cebe (Bizkaia) and SEA (Álava) - and includes "first-hand" information on the expected activities and contracts of the associated companies. and about forecasts.
Beyond the specific sectors and branches of activity required, the survey makes it clear that the majority of jobs to be filled are for qualified professional profiles. And that personal attitudes, training, and work experience are of greater importance when hiring candidate languages and references. It also explains the types and job profiles required, the qualification and training needs they require, and the difficulties in finding the staff they need in 2022.
These are the jobs with the highest recruitment forecast by 2022 by level of education:
The professions with the highest job opportunities in the Basque Country in 2022:
The survey asks companies what requirements candidates for a job must meet. Personal attitude, training and work experience are, in that order, the three most valued aspects. Of course, “with a little less intensity than in 2020,” especially in terms of previous work experience. Candidate languages and references are also valued with some importance, which is higher in the first case compared to the previous survey.
76% of the companies surveyed say they have difficulty hiring when they were less than half in 2016. The biggest problems are found in construction, after services and industry. And the reasons are the candidate's lack of training / specialization, attitude, interest and experience. The first two gain weight compared to 2020.
The Confederation of Basque Entrepreneurs (Confebask) is an organization that represents and defends the general and common interests of Basque entrepreneurs, and is the legal representative of Basque entrepreneurs before the Administration, trade unions, professionals and the Basque public.
At Confebask, thousands of private companies from the Basque Autonomous Region are involved voluntarily; companies of all territorial, size and activity sectors. All these companies are members of Confebask through three member organizations: the Gipuzkoa Business Association (ADEGI), the Bizkaia Business Confederation (CEBEK) and the Alava Business Association (SEA).
Confebask is also a member of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE), through which it is also a member of other European and international business organizations; These include: European BusinessEurope.
Confebask was originally set up under the auspices of Law 19/1977, of 1 April, on the Regulation of the Right to Form Trade Unions and the Regulations for the Development of this Law. The creation and activity of Confebask are free of charge within the framework established by the legal system for business organizations. The internal structure and operation of Confebask follow democratic principles and the principles of transparency and participation of members.
Here are the basic objectives of Confebask:
Within the framework of key objectives, Confebask fulfills the following functions: