4.0 industriako blockchain teknologia garatzea da ByEvolution-en helmuga, teknologian 30 urte baino gehiagoko esperientzia duten profesionalen start up bat. Merkatuko blockchain sareek lortutako abiaduraren muga hautsi nahi dute, eskalagarritasunaren arazoa gainditzeko. Estandarren falta konpontzeko zubiak eraikitzea eta datuen jabeari "mozorrotzeko" ahalmena ematea nahi dute. Enpresa guztiei zerbitzatuko zaie, baina sektore aeroespazialera joko dute, eta beren anbizio globala da. Espainian aurrekontratua sinatu dute hiru market places egiteko teknologiarekin.
"Teknologiek ez dute mugarik, guk ere ez", esan du Ramon Canok, ByEvolutioneko CEO eta bazkide fundatzaileak. Filosofia horrekin, hurrengo belaunaldiko blockchain zerbitzatzeko tresna apurtzaileak garatzeko nahia dute. "Merkatuan dagoena ikusi ondoren, beste pauso bat ematen dugu. Segundoko 10.000 transakzioak gainditzen ditugu, eta zifra gehiago handitu nahi dugu”. Gaur egun blockchain ezagunen batez bestekoa segundoko 3.500 transakzioetan dago.
Much earlier, there will be a link between different solutions developed by blockchain, from several standards. "We're making a great deal of effort to scale up cases of use developed with any blockchain technology, and we want to manage together to scale businesses. We're just about to market it," explains Ramon Canok. "Market places, we can create real businesses".
It is the right to forget the third questioned solution. One of the features of Blockchain is the unchangeability of data, what happens if someone has to hide? ByEvolution has been inspired by neuronal networks to design architecture. "Our blockchain is growing as a tree, and this design allows us to make a branch. The information remains there, but it is left out of public access."
In that situation, Byevolution has made a second financing round to raise 500,000 euros. With some well-known companies, they already have some contracts for pilot tests, which will help secure money. In 2018 with ESADE Ban, ESADE Alumni Investment Network, ByEvolution raised € 175,000.
Will their blockchain advance the quantum progress? In fact, Ramon Cano is the vice president of the Quantum blockchain Aliance, and is part of the defense and aerospace of The Quantum Information and CyberseQurity Think Tank. In addition, ByEvolution is in the aerospace cluster of the Andalusian Technology Park (PTA) in the SmartCity Clusters, and is closing the research framework agreement with the University of Malaga. It is a 150 year old founding member of the company, one of the four young people over 50 and over 30, with a passionate and socially entrepreneurial spirit.
Members of ByEvolution: Ramon Cano, Francisco Yudego, Director of Business Development. Juan Carlos Martín (Airtel and Commercial Director of Vodafon in Andalusia) is the Director of Financial and Marketing Department. Toni Sánchez (a technology specialist lawyer) is a legal director and Carlos Velasco (youngest, IT) is a CTO.
Carlos Velasco began investigating through the blockchain, infecting his passion for four friends, and making a blockchain-based startup in 2017 "not forgetting big data, IA (artificial intelligence), IoT (Internet things) and quantum technology. They wanted to make a disruptive company, and its intention is to structure the disruptive technologies surrounding Blockchain.
Information source: blockchaineconomia.es