The Young ICT Women project is being launched by European associations and foundations. They also participated in the Sector Patronage and the International Plan Foundation. The objective of the project is to increase the number of young women and girls in the digital agenda.
This plan seeks to bring women closer to the European Information and Communication Technology sector in a vulnerable situation. The first meeting was held in Latvia and is already underway.
The project is being launched by the ICT ICT company in Latvia and ends in August 2021. Its purpose is to increase the technological capabilities and employability of young women in a weak state. The tasks of this project are to obtain awareness campaigns, personal advice on skills and agreements with renewed companies. Additionally, a new online tool will be developed to develop profile identification and training and work experience in the digital field.
The project includes 10 partners from 9 countries in Europe, all of which are highly regarded: AMETIC and the National Plan Foundation, from Spain; Baltic Education Technology Institute (BETI), from Lithuania; Creative Thinking Development (CRETHIDEV), from Greece; DIGITALEUROPE aisbl, from Belgium; ECDL Ireland Ltd., from Ireland; Educating for an Open Society (EOS), from Romania; European Center for Women and Technology (ECWT), Norway and Malta Communications Authority (LIKTA), from Malta.
To achieve their goals, they have a subsidy of 2.7 million euros from Iceland, Liechtenstein and the Norwegian Fund through the EEA and Norway Grants for Youth Employment.
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