
The Basque Country absorbs more than 11% of the vacancies for vocational education graduates in Spain

The report by Infoempleo and the Adecco Group shows that the demand for vocational education in the region has decreased slightly, and has decreased by 2.8% compared to three years ago (in 2020, the positions requiring these profiles were 44.4%, and today 41%) ,8). Even though it has decreased, the Basque Country currently accounts for 11.16% of all places for vocational education graduates in the State, which is why the demand for these students continues.

The third largest autonomous community, after Madrid and CataloniaThe authors of the study have warned that there is a significant demand for Vocational Education students in the job offers throughout Spain, and they remind us that there is a need to include more workers in these curriculum lines in the labor market, due to the high employability, due to the permanent growth of the Spanish industry and the deficit of these profiles. In recent years, the number of enrollments in these lines has increased significantly. From the 800,000 registered in 2018, it has risen to more than a million this year. They also warn that vacancies for vocational education graduates are often not published "because the demand is so great compared to the supply, that regional companies go directly to the training centers to hire workers or to offer internship contracts (which later become indefinite)", they emphasized.

Within VET, Higher Level training continues to be the most requested, accounting for 23.7% of the requested profiles, although they have also had the worst evolution, falling by 1.8% in the last year. The intermediate title is at 18.07% of vacant places, after dropping half a point.

Half of that in Europe

Although the number of enrollments in Vocational Education has increased, the rate in Spain remains well below the European average, which doubles the number. Compared to the enrollment of 12% at national level, it is 25% in the European Union, and in the case of OECD countries (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), it increases to 29%.

At national level, job offers that require vocational education graduates are 34.75% of the total job offer, down two points and not being the most demanded training in Spain. By sector, services have had the greatest growth and account for 21.33% of the supply, followed by industry at 6.65%. Third place is taken by IT, after gaining two points and moving up from seventh place. It is currently 6.38% of the jobs called.

The report attributes the decline in job opportunities to key sectors such as the industrial sector due to the difficulties caused by supply shortages, rising energy prices and the unstable situation caused by the war in Ukraine. Furthermore, after vocational training and university qualifications, 10.48% of job vacancies in the EAC require a secondary school or school graduate and 9.16% require a high school, BBB or UBI.

In spain

The relationship between employment and VET has become particularly important in recent years in Spain. Governments and companies agree on the need to integrate more candidates with vocational education into the labor market, and they have also highlighted the talent deficit of this type of training, particularly in certain sectors. XXVI of Adecco Infoempleo on Spanish Labor Supply and Demand. According to the report, Vocational Education continues to strengthen as a strong alternative for those looking for a quick and efficient integration into the labor market, despite the decline in the last year.

A real alternative for candidates with VET

In the first years of the pandemic, VET training emerged as a star level, surpassing the university degrees required by companies. Although 2022 has led to a slowdown in this growth, 34.75% of job offers in our country continue to require candidates with this training. 13.36% of them were looking for graduates of Intermediate Vocational Education. On the other hand, 21.39% of Higher Level VET qualifications are required.

In the last year, employment aimed at Vocational Education graduates has decreased by two points compared to 2021. This has caused companies to lose their status as the most sought-after education level in favor of university degrees. The evolution has been particularly negative for Intermediate Technicians (-2.56 percentage points compared to 2021). On the other hand, offers aimed at candidates with the level of Senior Technician have increased by 0.52 points. A large part of this employment drag for VET technicians (mainly Intermediate Degree) is due to supply shortages, rising prices and energy and the confrontation between it is found in sectors that have had many difficulties due to the situation of instability. Russia and Ukraine. This is, for example, the case of the Industrial sector.

The decrease in VET contrasts with an increase of 1.23 points in offers requiring candidates with a secondary and/or graduate school, and also with an increase of 0.89 points requiring candidates with a university degree.
In terms of the territorial distribution of the job offer for Vocational Education graduates, the Community of Madrid is positioned this year as the autonomy that requests the most candidates with Vocational Education studies (23.98%).



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