This sports services company aims to promote health and physical and mental well-being through sports and to publicize disciplines that can be done outdoors such as calisthenics or yoga.
Street Workout Together was born as a university project following a personal experience of Inés van Herckenrode, its founder. “After the pandemic, one of the areas that grew the most and that began to be valued the most was outdoor sports. I started training calisthenics. After several months practicing it, I realized that in this sport there was hardly any female presence or people over 25 years old. Being such a beneficial sport and outdoor disciplines being a clear trend, this fact surprised me a lot, so I started to investigate,” says Van Herckenrode.
“After several months of conducting surveys, interviews and field work, I came to the conclusion that the lack of references from women and older people was due to the false image that was being transmitted of this sport and of urban sports in general,” he explains. the founder of SWT. She discovered that, despite causing interest, many people perceived this discipline as a type of training solely to gain muscle. Others thought it was an aggressive, competitive and rivalry sport. “And there were even those who defined it as a sport exclusively for young boys,” says Van Herckenrode. Likewise, by interviewing people who already practiced this sport and analyzing her own experience, she understood that calisthenics and urban sports were not characterized by the image they were transmitting.
Therefore, Van Herckenrode got to work and began to develop a project dedicated to promoting urban sports for everyone, which today is a sports services company specialized in urban sports, and whose objectives are to promote health. and physical and mental well-being through sport and to promote outdoor sports disciplines such as calisthenics or yoga.
Currently, Street Workout Together services are divided into three categories. The first is the organization of events to promote physical activity and strengthen the sense of community, focused on making the experience as fun as possible. The second, programs in which everything necessary about urban sports is shown by experts, thus providing close and personalized teaching through medium or long-term courses and recurring practical sessions. In addition, it is developing a detailed method to evaluate the impact and progress of those who participate in its programs. And finally, it has recently started projects aimed at creating outdoor sports areas, developing exclusive designs adapted to the specific needs of each place.
Thus, the company offers these services to four different types of clients, which are public institutions, companies, senior centers and educational centers. Collaborate with all of them to achieve common objectives such as addressing the sedentary lifestyle and loneliness of older people; fight childhood obesity; promote intergenerationality; create cities better prepared for sports or improve the quality of life of workers and address problems related to work stress or body posture.