Training against hate speech, promoted by the Department of Housing, Youth and Migration Policies through the Navarre Youth Institute, will reach nearly 2,400 young people in 2024, through different courses and workshops in entities, associations and formal and non-formal education centers. This was stated by Vice President Begoña Alfaro during the opening of a summer course at the Public University of Navarra (UPNA), whose purpose is to offer tools to dismantle and stop the advance of this type of messages.
Disinformation, as stated by the Third Vice President and Minister of Housing, Youth and Migration Policies, Begoña Alfaro, is one of the main causes of hate speech, racist and xenophobic discrimination, among others. Many social prejudices are based on discourses that are disconnected from reality or unverified data and statements that are magnified and distorted, generating erroneous beliefs and seriously impacting areas such as equality, coexistence and human rights.
For this reason, the Navarre Youth Institute (INJ) considered it essential to work on a line of training that would provide all interested people with tools to deal with discourses “that are not mere words, but are seeds that germinate and can cause a lot of damage to our society,” as Alfaro stressed. Thus, last July the catalogue of training courses promoted by the INJ was announced, thanks to which nearly 2,400 young people will be trained in 2024.
Workshops permanently available
In addition to this, 120 workshops are already planned, organised mainly in schools, although some of them will also be held in social entities in towns throughout the territory: Pamplona / Iruña, Tudela, Corella, Bortziriak, Falces or Leitza, among other municipalities. These workshops, it should be noted, are permanently available and whose catalogue can be consulted online, and are taught by entities and professionals such as Aloa Comunicación, Asociación SEI Elkartea, CEAR, Fundación RODE, the designer and teacher Itziar Alforja, Médicos del Mundo, Médicus Mundi, Nuevo Futuro and the Antirumour Network of Navarra.
This catalogue includes the following training courses: 'Fake News beyond lies or propaganda', 'Hate Speeches. Structural Causes and Global Citizenship. The Chocolate Bar', 'Introduction to a Rights Perspective', 'SDG8. Working for a Better World', 'A World in Motion, a Matter of Rights', 'Cybersecurity. Risk Attitudes', 'Anti-Rumour Strategy and Prevention of Hate Speech', 'The Role of Fake News as a Basis for Promoting Hate Speech', 'Listen to Refuge' and 'Migration Ecosystem'.