Nafarroako Gobernuko Hezkuntza Departamentuak bere online Lanbide Heziketa indartzea erabaki du. Horretarako, Goi Mailako ziklo berri bat txertatu du Irakaskuntza eta sozio-kiroleko animazioan eta lau prestakuntza modulu (irakasgaiak) gehitu ditu, hainbat heziketa ziklotako eskaintza osatzeko xedearekin. Bi ekintzek, azkenean, urrutiko prestakuntzan 480 leku gehiago egotea ekarriko dute. Autonomia Erkidegoan Lanbide Heziketara egiten duten ikasleen % 12k (1.280 pertsona) aukeratu zuen urrutiko heziketaren modalitatea, eta Hezkuntza Sailak kopuru horihazten jarraitzea espero du urte berri honetan, 1.500 ikaslerengana iritsi arte.
Nafarroak duela hamar urte jarri zuen martxan urrutiko lehen prestakuntza eskaintza. Lehen urteetan oso aukera mugatua izan zen. Halere, gaur egun erkidego honetan ikastaro hauek egiten dituzten ikasleen ehunekoa estatuko batezbestekoaren gainetik dago. "Gure ustez, aurten eskaintza handitu egingo da eta, agian, osasun-egoerak direla eta, matrikulazio handiagoa izango du, 1.500 ikasle ingurura iritsi arte", adierazi du Esther Monterrubio Lanbide Heziketako Plangintza eta Berrikuntza zerbitzuko buruak.
Online VT allows you to combine learning and training with work activities and other responsibilities or personal situations that make face-to-face teaching difficult. It is a modular offer (for each subject), each training cycle is between 10 and 12 modules and 40 places are offered each. “We focus on enrolling students in 3-4 modules, up to a maximum of six per year,” explains Esther Monterrubio.
The modules are developed through the moodle platform with an ongoing assessment system, which involves carrying out activities throughout the course. These modules (subjects) can be developed up to 33% of the contact hours and the final tests are always held at the school. Today, almost all cycles (except the new one) already offer all modules. "The offer is progressive. For example, we have taken three modules from the new cycle and we usually mark an average of 3 years to complete the whole cycle," explained the head of the vocational service of the Department of Education.
The registration period for the 14 cycles of Distance Vocational Training usually ends in September, approximately in the first fortnight of the month. The list of those admitted is usually given in the second half of September and enrollment is usually done from 1 to 7 October. This year the classes started on the 13th of this month.
On the other hand, the Department of Education of the Government of Navarre has open enrollment in part-time Vocational Training, which is reduced to two cycles: Intermediate Degree in Nursing Care Assistance, awarded at the Pamplona School of Health and from this course, as a novelty at the Estella Polytechnic. Higher degree in social inclusion.
Here is all the 'online' offer of vocational training in Navarre:
The current education system allows students to choose the most appropriate training option for a person’s training to enter the current job market, and it is an important opportunity to find a job. But the inclusion of young people and adults in the world of work depends not only on the level of training, but also on the level of professional competence.
Vocational Training studies are grouped into vocational areas that offer various degrees in Basic Vocational Training, Intermediate and Higher Education. Each cycle contains so-called subjects with related theoretical and practical content. The cycles have a stage for internships in companies, and this module is called workplace training.
Vocational Training courses are organized in training cycles, which gradually prepare students for a professional activity and enable them to complete all professions in a qualified way.