@esMONDRAGON started 10 years ago on Twitter and 5,000 a week ago. he sent it. The corporation's three accounts have published nearly 10,000 posts and currently have 31,000 followers.
Mondragon has sent its first bulletin for ten years now, in November 2009. Its purpose was clear: to show their daily routine and transparency with their co-operatives, as well as the media and public opinion.
@esMONDRAGON is the most watched account with 20,100 "folowers". In 2011 they created English and Basque accounts. The @euMONDRAGON account has 3,800 followers and provides information about nearby things. @ enMONDRAGON has 7,200 followers and provides information on co-operative projects and internationalization issues.
Mondragon's social network data are very good and can be clearly seen in comparison to other companies. For example, PRISA has 17,000 followers and INDITEX has 26,000.
They also have Facebook, LinkedIN and Instagram accounts
Twitter was first but since then, Mondragon opened its profile in more social networks. Only a year on Facebook has 10,000 followers. Linkedin has 11,200 followers. Recently opened the Instagram account.