Classrooms for Applied Technology (ATECA) will be distributed to all VET centers and entrepreneurship classrooms (AE) will be established organized by professional families. The main goal of ATECA is to turn classrooms into spaces close to work environments and to develop the resources of each production sector through simulators or other technological elements.
These new spaces will ensure their versatility, taking into account the following aspects, both in terms of connectivity and basic equipment: they will be connected via fast broadband, WIFI and fiber optics; they will accept the ability to exchange virtual and face-to-face scenarios and any other modality; they will have adequate acoustics and lighting conditions; they will have furniture for work areas and Wall-Art design; a technological analysis will be carried out that will allow the center to know the previous technologies at both HW and SW tools level, in order to validate its integration in the new space created; it will also have scalable spaces to configure for temporary needs. Spaces that can be added, adapted to the needs that can be configured according to the needs of each moment.
ATECA classrooms will be equipped with digital information presentation elements, a touch screen, a high-quality projector, a collaboration board, allowing teachers to remotely and personally write and share content, high-definition streaming cameras that ensure teacher coverage at all times, directional microphones and sound systems adapted to the characteristics of classroom, inter-center and community collaboration platforms, 3D printers: scanning and manufacturing, immersion reality system, mixed / virtual reality, holographic systems and artificial intelligence applied systems.
The new spaces created will allow for increased knowledge, experimentation and decision-making, harnessing all resources and enabling the transformation of education with cutting-edge technology and a sustainable ecosystem.
All the centers in Navarre will have these classrooms for three years. This year, CIP Donapea de Pamplona / Iruña, CIP FP Sakana de Altsasu / Alsasua; CI Politécnico de Estella-Lizarra, CIP FP Lumbier, CIP Tafalla and CIP ETI in Tudela will be included..
Ikasgela hauen helburua tresna irekia, malgua eta solidarioa izatea da, ikasleei hasierako ibilbidean laguntzeko eta gure gizartean ekosistema ekintzaile egonkorra sortzeko. Ikasgela horiek hezkuntza-zentroko ikasleen, baita tituludunen, ekimen ekintzaileak bideratu nahi dituzte, beraiek ematen dituzten ideia ekintzaileen orientazio eta tutoretza sistemaren bidez. Hasierako fase kritiko hauetan laguntza teknikoa da, batez ere ikasle gazteenentzat.
Ekintzailetza ikasgelen helburu orokorrak hauek dira: hezkuntza zentroko ikasleak ekintzailetzara orokorrean eta bere bertsio sozial, jasangarri edo lankidetzan sentsibilizatzea; 'Soft-Vocational gaitasunak' (gaitasun pertsonalak, sozialak eta profesionalak) finkatu ikasleen artean, zeharkako eta beharrezko gaitasun gisa ekintzaile bezala garatzeko eta haien autonomia, konfiantza eta enplegagarritasuna hobetzeko; sormena, berrikuntza, talde lana eta, ondorioz, berrikuntza eta ekintzailetza bultzatuko dituen espazio fisikoa sortzea; ekintzailetzarekin konprometitutako inguruneko hezkuntza zentroen, enpresen, erakundeen eta erakundeen arteko lankidetza eta aliantza sarea sortzea; ikasle parte-hartzaileen benetako eta hasierako esperientzia ekintzaileak sortzea.