I • The School of Art, Art and Design has opened the registration period on May 3 to apply for a place at the school and to take entrance tests. These terms and tests are aimed at anyone interested in completing the studies offered by this school in the next academic year (2021-2022).
I • D art is the only center in the Basque Country that offers Higher Design studies, and its Design studies have a degree equivalent to university degrees.
Being an Artistic Teacher, it is necessary to take and pass the entrance exams in order to complete the I • D art studies. Anyone who does not have the required qualifications to be exempted from the entrance exams had to register for this (last day of May 21), and must also apply for a place before June 13th.
Registration for the entrance exams and applying for a place are two different processes. Both must be met. Those who have a degree to be exempted from taking the entrance test will only have to apply for a place, however.
The entrance exams took place on May 29, at the current headquarters of I • D arte (Betoñu Portal, 23 - Vitoria-Gasteiz)
I•D arte-k egoitza berria Betoñun du joan zen 2019-2020 ikasturtetik, estilo neogotikoko komentu izandakoan, baina bi hamarkadatik gorako ibilbidea egin du Arte Plastikoen eta Diseinuaren arloko ikasketak eskaintzen Gasteizen. “Ideiak, diseinua eta artea” kontzeptuak uztartzen ditu eskolak bere izenean, baina “Ideiak, diseinua eta artea” ikastetxe hau hartzen duen eraikin bereziaren edozein txokotan ere ernetzen dira, ikasleek “do it yourself” filosofia gidari hartuta ikasten eta garatzen baitute hemen euren sormena (egizu zuk zeuk, edo eginaz ikastea).
I•D artek Goi Mailako Prestakuntza Zikloak zein Diseinuko Goi Mailako Ikasketak eskaintzen ditu. Orotara, bost titulazio ezberdin:
Azken bi ikasketa hauen titulazioak (Diseinu Grafikoa eta Barne Diseinua) unibertsitate graduen parekide dira. Gainera, I•D arte da Euskadin Goi-mailako Diseinu Ikasketa Artistikoak egiteko aukera eskaintzen duen zentro publiko bakarra.
I • Darte is a public School of Art and Design in the Basque Country. He believes that design is a public service that transforms the world.
The goals are education and innovation. They combine art and design, combining research and results.
The school is a design laboratory. There, students and teachers work hand in hand, learning by doing. We meet the needs of the school ourselves, starting to build from the roots: brands, steels, website… So any product that creates any work area, any digital service, is followed by the workforce of everyone who makes up the school.
That’s why you’ll find changes in the process, and occasionally one mistake or another. Continuous innovation requires courage, as well as a lot of practice and mistakes. Thus, they learn and improve in I • Darte. They are Basque and global. They are proud of their diversity.
Interior Design: Spaces are given a key role in carrying out specific work.
We try to get students used to the atmosphere of the spaces, the lighting, the building materials and the technological supply of the buildings, and to this end they encourage collaborative work and autonomous learning.
Optimizing visual communication through typographic elements, color, space and image, and using artistic and technological means, is the job of a Graphic Design professional.
Communications to see his activity, in order to convey specific messages through any means of communication to specific social groups, consist of projecting.
A poster, a digital or analog magazine, a traffic sign, a wrapper, and the interface of an application or website convey one or more messages, and these messages are the result of a designer’s conceptual and creative effort. Upon completion of these studies, you will receive an official degree, with which you will be able to be hired by institutions, companies or private clients.
Students try to get used to interpreting and using different communicative languages and techniques, collaborating and being autonomous in the learning process.