

Euskorpus puts all the potential of Artificial Intelligence and language technologies at the service of the Basque language, our companies and research. Basque will be part of the construction of the new digital environment.

Promoting Basque and Basque culture in digital environments. It has been developed under the motto "Heufcara Iagi adi mundura" (Basque jalgi hadi mundura), taken from one of the verses of the book "Linguae Vasconum Primitiae" by Bernard Etxepare, the first publication edited in Basque, in the year 1545. In this way, it has been intended to highlight how the qualitative leap to be made to bring Basque to artificial intelligence is comparable to the moment when the Basque language began to be used in printing presses.

During the presentation event, the Euskorpora association was also announced, whose main objective will be the development of the Euskorpus initiative, through which to promote and ensure the digital presence of Basque, national intangible cultural heritage in danger of digital extinction, through the collection, generation and active and methodical development of the digital corpus of Basque.

Promotion of open source base models for the Basque language, for its conservation, maintenance, and generation of impact both in the industrial and social fabric, connected to the European framework of digital linguistic resources. Euskorpus will develop data packages in Basque, so that manufacturers can import them into their devices connected to the Internet, providing them with the capacity to operate in this language. In this way, smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, applications or digital assistants such as Siri and Alexa will have the capacity to interact with users in Basque, with a process of Basque-ification of artificial intelligence so that users of AI tools can use them in this language. In turn, with this investment, the Basque ecosystem of artificial intelligence and data management will also be energized.



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