Euskadi participates, together with a total of 17 countries, in a European project to boost STEM vocations and professions, through the STEAM Euskadi Strategy launched by the Basque Government. The EU STEM Coalition project in which Euskadi will participate actively, has among its objectives to facilitate the exchange of experiences and good practices between European states or regions in relation to the implementation of STEAM education strategies (acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics). Within this European project, the Department of Education - through its Deputy Ministry of Universities and Research - and Innobasque assume the function of coordinating the South Node of the aforementioned coalition, integrated, among others, by countries such as France, Spain and Greece.
Mainly due to the growing pace of technological development we live in, there are many sectors in which the skills and competencies that professionals require are evolving at high speed, even in those less technological sectors. This is coupled with the need to have more and more people trained in the so-called STEM areas (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). Faced with this generalized reality throughout Europe, both states and regions have responded by launching their own STEAM initiatives and educational programs, with the aim of promoting the aforementioned vocations among students of all educational levels (from the earliest ages to the stage university). The aim is to reduce the shortage of these professional profiles and improve the transition from education to the labor market. However, often the approaches adopted by each other are far from each other. In this way, a great need for better coordination among all is detected, as well as to develop more strategic approaches, particularly in States or regions that do not yet have a STEAM strategy.
Therefore, one of the main objectives pursued by the initiative in which Euskadi participates is the creation of a European STEM Platform, built on the basis of the existing EU STEM Coalition itself. This platform is intended to function as a knowledge center, providing direct support to States or regions for the improvement of their STEAM strategies, and especially, facilitating the exchange of good practices or international cooperation in this area. For the creation of this future European Platform, the project proposes a calendar of tasks and actions to be developed between 2020 and 2022.
This STEM Coalition also seeks to promote the development of STEAM strategies in those countries that currently do not have any initiative in this area, involving organizations with educational responsibilities in the respective European countries or regions.
The project emphasizes cooperation between the agents that make up the so-called “triple helix” (that is, between Government, Business, and Education) when implementing these programs and initiatives to boost STEM vocations. Similarly, it attaches great importance to the regional context, recognizing the development of STEAM regional approaches and initiatives, since the challenge to which the project must respond cannot be addressed with a single solution within each State or in Europe.
STEAM Euskadi strategy
Euskadi and the Basque Government are no stranger to this need to boost STEAM education. Therefore, the Department of Education launched the STEAM Euskadi Strategy in June of last year, being one of the priority lines for this department. The objective of this strategy is to promote scientific-technical education and training among Basque students of all educational stages, paying special attention to the students, to promote among them the so-called STEM professions.
STEAM education is understood as one that integrates science, technology, engineering and mathematics in connection with the Arts and Humanities, with the aim of awakening the interest of students in STEM professions. In this way, the vowel “A” that includes the acronym STEAM on the STEM concept (“A” as an initial of Arts in English), refers to a series of transversal competences that students also work and acquire (in addition to the competences properly disciplinary of scientific subjects) when developing STEAM activities; competencies such as the ability to work in a team, communication skills, or creativity, among others.
UNESCO itself states in its Science Education report that training in science and technology is a key element, and considers it essential to promote education in these fields at all educational levels, and to improve the scientific education of society in general. Likewise, it emphasizes the need to pay special attention to encouraging youth, especially girls, to develop professional careers in the field of science and technology.