
Erasmus Play, a student accommodation search engine

Erasmus Play is a comparator of accommodation for national and international students looking for accommodation in Spain for the medium term. Its founders, David Casanova, Manuel Herrero and Smith Donkor, have developed a platform that allows them to quickly compare all the accommodation available for students in a specific city. So it can be said that Erasmus Play is the “Skyscanner” of accommodation for students.

The collaboration with Spanish universities allows the founders to know first-hand what students need and what the main problems they will have when looking for accommodation in a new city. This has allowed them to successfully develop a solution to this problem and, as a result, they have focused the platform on making this process much easier than in the past.

This solution has reached Spain, thanks to the value they place on students and the university to stay there. In the near future, Casanova, Herrero and Donkor plan to launch it for the whole of Europe, "because of the great interest that our national students have in being able to use this service when they leave Spain," they say.

It is a service that is made available to the student for free and allows easy access to the entire accommodation network, avoiding unnecessary registrations and preventing them from going from website to website, knowing the best accommodation for students, fully verified, rejecting all scams in the market.

Aragonese startup

From now on, Erasmus students who want to find accommodation according to their needs will find their search much easier. The 100% Aragonese 'Spanish' Erasmus Play 'is the first online platform to offer a wide range of accommodation for Spanish Erasmus students.

One of the main problems for an international student when they are given an Erasmus destination is to find the right and quality accommodation. This is one of the most stressful processes for both the student and the family. They see that the departure date for the destination is near and they have not yet been able to find a room to sleep.

Spain is the country with the highest number of Erasmus students in Europe due to its culture, climate and good habits: around 60,000 Erasmus students each year, at the top of the rankings. Behind it are countries like Germany, the United Kingdom and Italy. Therefore, Erasmus Play has decided to start its activity in its country of origin, with the aim of consolidating its growth and value proposition before moving to the European market.

Ikasleengatik eta ikasleentzako

Manuel Herrerorentzat, Erasmus Play-ko CTOrentzat, "plataformaren benetako balioa ikasleei zuzendutako zerbitzuaren arreta osoan aurkitzen da, beraiengatik eta beraientzat sortutako plataforma". Hori posible izan da startupak Espainiako unibertsitateekin duen lankidetza estuari esker. Plataformaren jaiotza G9 unibertsitate publikoen taldean sortzen da, zehazki Zaragozako Unibertsitatean.

Erasmus Play-k egoitza, apartamentu eta ikasleentzako gelen artean ostatua bilatzen laguntzen du, horrela. Hiri bakoitzerako iragazki eta mapa pertsonalizatuak garatzeari esker, bilaketaren emaitzak ikasleen beharretara egokitzea ahalbidetzen du plataformak. Erabiltzaileek ikasleentzako ostatu sorta zabala konpara eta munduko edozein lekutatik erreserba dezakete linean.

Prozedura oso erraza da:

  1. Aukeratu zure fakultatea edo helmuga hiria eta zure datak.
  2. Plataforma guztien ostatuak erraz alderatu.
  3. Egin klik eta erreserbatu.


The platform, which compares student accommodation, began its activity with agreements with 22 universities. "We are already offering the service with an active platform aimed at providing students with more choice of accommodation." David Casanova, Manuel Herrero and Smith Donkor won the ninth edition of the 'Generando Futuro' award with this project, which is awarded by a group of entrepreneurs from Zaragoza.

The platform that compares student accommodation was born with the idea of ​​helping those who go to universities in different European countries to find a place, starting its journey in about twenty Spanish cities, after reaching agreements with 22 universities around the world.

It is a website that works similar to Trivago (https://erasmusplay.com) by comparing hotel prices and features. “We’ve done the most complicated thing, defining and adjusting the IT structure,” Casanova points out. The idea is to start working in Spain and soon, with the experience gained, start working in other European countries.
The University of Zaragoza, where the founders of Erasmus Play studied and had the opportunity to carry out the Erasmus + program, has been involved in this project from the beginning, “providing support at all times and recommending a comparison to other Spanish universities, it has more than one student accommodation distributed throughout Spain.

“The short-term goal is to consolidate and progressively grow activity in Spain by offering quality accommodation in all Erasmus cities and universities that support it,” they state from Erasmus Play.


Erasmus Play has partnered with sixteen companies to launch it. Thanks to this support, Erasmus Play has been able to develop an online platform with these features in a very short time. These sixteen companies help startups with all the services they need for a year: technology, digital marketing, communication, social media, corporate image and video, accounting, consulting, and more.

Erasmus Play’s close collaboration with universities is able to implement improvements in line with the needs that students communicate to international liaison offices.

According to David Casanova, "Our short-term goal is to consolidate and progressively grow our activity in Spain in all Erasmus cities, offering quality accommodation in collaborating universities. Today Erasmus Play has managed to locate in more than twenty Spanish cities, including Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Valencia , Highlighting Seville and Granada ”.

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