Envac pneumatic technology prevents the emission of almost 400 tons of CO2 per year. Thanks to the pneumatic waste collection systems installed and operated by the environmental technology company Envac Iberia in Spain. Heavy trucks traveling 363,930 kilometers a year on Spanish roads emit 389.76 tonnes less CO2. This is reflected in the research carried out by El Cubo Verde, a consultancy on climate change and energy.
According to the latest greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory, the transport sector, the largest consumer of fossil fuels, remains the largest source of emissions (27%). According to gases, CO2 accounts for 80.7% of total GHG emissions; followed by methane (11.9%). In this context, research conducted by El Cubo Verde has compared the efficiency and performance of pneumatic waste collection systems with traditional systems based on truck use.
The main conclusions are that pneumatic technology reduces the kilometers traveled by cities by conventional rubbish trucks by 80% and 80% of CO2 and NO2 emissions from the consumption of fossil fuels. In other words, the collection of Envac Iberia pneumatic waste in Spain the systems prevent 363,930 kilometers per year in heavy vehicle traffic as well as the emission of 389.76 tonnes of CO2 emissions.
In Spain, the collection of pneumatic waste is located in 28 cities, with a total of more than 60 million operational facilities that serve almost one million citizens.
To carry out the study, an assumption will be made of a B10 diesel truck with 10% biodiesel, calculating that for each route of the urban route with the necessary intersections and roads, it takes 30 kilometers and consumes about 45 l / 100 km. Applying the emission factors published by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, for each average route avoided by the pneumatic system, the emission of 11.73 tons of CO2 and 4.9 Tons of Oil equivalent (TOE) would be avoided.
Envac-ek Espainian 70 instalazio baino gehiago ditu. Envac-ek kudeatzen ditu 28 hiritan eta milioi bat herritar baino gehiagori ematen die zerbitzua. Hondakinak biltzeko sistema pneumatikoen belaunaldi berrien ezaugarri berrietara erraz bilaka daitezkeen instalazioak dira, kontrol funtzioan adimen artifiziala txertatzen dutenak.
Hau da Envac Taldearen Kalitate Politika:
The pneumatic waste collection system has become an ally in the strategy against Covid-19 in the hospitals that have implemented this. “Relying on a system of pipes to transport waste to the collection center through an air stream reduces the risk of contamination of health workers without physical contact with operators,” says Iberian President Carlos Bernad Envac. In this regard, he added that "all waste transport operations are automatically controlled by a computer system, which only requires the participation of an operator." The pneumatic waste collection system, in addition to improving hospital logistics, eliminating the use of elevators and reducing the number of staff moving between garbage floors and the unloading dock, improves the hygiene and safety of health workers.