
Deusto, for entrepreneurship

Deustu 2020 Plan Estrategiko berriaren leloa honako hau da: “elkarrekin mundua eraldatzen duten pertsonak eta erakundeak, mundua bidezkoagoa, gizatiarragoa eta jasangarriagoa izan dadin”. Eta bere hogeita sei ildoetako bat, ekintzailetza eta barne-ekintzailetza sustatzea da.

Bere aldaketa-agentearen eta aldaketa-eragilearen izaerari eta garapen ekonomiko eta sozialari laguntzeko duen bokazioari jarraikiz, Deustuko Unibertsitateak kultura berritzaile eta ekintzailea sustatuko du unibertsitatetik pasatzen diren pertsona guztiengan, persona horiek aldaketa eta eraldaketa-eragile izan daitezen eta gizarteari eta ekosistema orokorrari, gure enpresei, hiriei, inguruneari eta gure herrialdeei balioa eman diezaieten. Izan ere, ekiten ez duen, eraldatzen ez duen edo berritzen ez duen pertsona edo lurralde bati, azkenean, egin behar duena inposatzen diote, eta bere etorkizuneko protagonista izateari uzten dio.

Horretarako, Deustuko Ekintzailetza Eredua garatu da, pertsonei bizitza osoan laguntzeko, kultura ekintzaile eta berritzailea sustatuz Unibertsitatearen barruan eta kanpoan; eraldaketa ekonomiko eta sozialeko eragile izan daitezen, ekosistemako gainerakoekin lankidetzan arituz; azken finean, eraldatzeko eraldatzen diren pertsonak.

The Deusto Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit is located for its development and implementation, which has four strategic objectives:

  • The first is to promote this entrepreneurial culture by raising awareness, communicating and disseminating the experiences of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs so that they become a reference for entrepreneurial people: women and men with different backgrounds, ages and training profiles. In fact, because they believe that the combinations of different personas lead to different and innovative solutions.
  • The second strategic goal is to develop the skills that all entrepreneurial people should have. So in this way, innovation, entrepreneurship and creative ability are being indirectly included in all undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral training processes, and in addition to providing specific training, Creaction! there is a part-time program. Innovandis own degree, or Dual Master in Entrepreneurship, among others.
  • The third objective is to promote and launch entrepreneurial projects in the innovation spaces of Innogune in San Sebastián and Deusto Kabi in Bilbao; to this end, it has facilitation programs to turn ideas into real projects and to help fund projects or get investments. The recent growth of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit should be highlighted. The Crecer + initiative, which has recently joined the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit, should be highlighted.
  • The fourth goal is to position itself in this entrepreneurial ecosystem as a university, through ne-tworking, collaborating with other actors, internationalizing or providing projects to provide innovative solutions and create a culture of initiative.

After all, the Deusto Entrepreneurship Model focuses on all phases of the training process, including the image of the entrepreneur; as a person capable of making innovations -technological, product, process, management duten that will give value to the market and society in a sustainable way over time. So in addition to considering the creation of new businesses, they also consider the internal entrepreneurship of existing organizations.


The European University Area is based on the principles of quality, mobility, diversity and competitiveness and is aimed at achieving a number of strategic objectives. The objectives would be to adopt an easily comparable degree system, to ensure quality, to structure university studies at two levels (undergraduate and postgraduate), and to implement the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS credits).

ANECA has designed two quality-related programs: AUDIT and VERIFICA. Among the evaluation criteria and guidelines for new degrees, it has been established that the degree proposal must include an Internal Quality Assurance System to ensure control, review and continuous improvement of the degree.


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