Blockchaineko komertzialak behar dira proiektuak abiarazteko. Euskal Herriko Blockchaineko garatzaileek industria proiektu pilotu arrakastatsuak burutu dituzte. Orain da 4.0 industrian hazteko merkataritzara jauzia emateko unea. Ez da erraza, baina. Ekintzaileek proiektuak beste enpresa batean gauzatzea eskatzen dute emaitzak ikusi ahal izateko. Inbertsio seguruak nahi dituzte. Teknologia ulertzen duten Blockchaineko komertzialak premiazkoak dira, ondorioa, bere abantailak azaltzeko eta bere ROI inplementazioaren datuak (inbertsioaren itzulera operatiboa) ekaintzeko.
Adituak bloke-katearen teknologia har dezaketen den erabilera-kasuak aztertzen jarri dira. Enpresek hainbat proiektu zenbatu zituzten Alastriako Euskal Herriko ekosistema-topaketan. Hainbat proiektu aitzindariak izan ziren, 2017an abiatu ziren diru-laguntzen babesari esker. 4.0 industrian espezializatuta zeuden.
The Euskate project (funded by SPRI and CEDETI) has demonstrated the application of the blockchain to coordinate industries in the Basque Country. IZERTIS, AFM, Royde, Gashor, Dominion, Ibermática, Grupo Ionsolar Aer and Tecnalia formed a consortium to tackle the project. The result is a Blockchain platform for prototyping and validating new Advanced Manufacturing products and services or improving existing ones.
The pilots successfully completed it in December 2019. They have not been brought into production.
CDTI funded the ServiceChain project. It was led by a consortium with universities such as Tecnalia, Ibermática, Innova, Experis, Mgtel, Soltel, Bettergy and Wellnes Telecom. ServiceChain 4.0 has resolved industry, energy and smart city contract traceability, compliance and automation. ServiceChain accelerates the change in energy contracts between industrial companies by using Digital Identity. Today the contracts are delayed by three months. Green energy traceability would be another application. It also ensures the veracity and immutability of information shared between various industrial companies. An example: Share a machine tool (they cost millions of euros), and pay for actual usage time and maintenance based on that usage.
Eduardo Aginako of the FP AndraMari team talked about the blockchain training verification project. Funded by the Basque Government. As Aginako said, "to learn more about these technological projects in the industry, there is a need to get involved. We need to make the industrial leap from being a pilot to a product."
It observes the industry and "requires knowledge of a competitor that uses what we offer. There is a lack of leading industrial companies that apply a blockchain solution to give the industry a major leap forward," adds Oscar Lag.
The need to prove the profitability of industrial investment was put on the table. Developers have blockchain solutions that are suitable for Industry 4.0. Public investment has helped them. “We prove the usefulness of projects. Now we need to be involved in showing ROI, ”adds Oscar Lage. He is the profile of a high-tech specialist vendor. They know the technology, and the savings and benefits that those who buy it will get.
Spanish blcockchain developers need a boost to be profitable, much more so after the 2020 disaster. Technology must be “profitable, as well as useful to improve the competitive advantage of companies,” explained Antonio Rodríguez Furones, Professor of Strategy at IE Business School, in a recent interview with Blockchain Economía.