The Minister of Employment and Social Policies of the Basque Government, Beatriz Artolazabal, visited this morning the office of Lanbide in AgurainSalvatierra located in the Plaza de Donibane and highlighted the "proximity" and effectiveness of it, one of the three of Euskadi in which are being piloted to digitize the documentation processed. Also Lanbide-Agurain is an advance in the new model of more personalized attention.
"Technological advances allow companies and institutions to walk towards the" paperless office "and one goal of Lanbide is to avoid generating 1,200,000 documents a year, scanning the documentation at the time of registration, generating authentic copies and returning the originals to the person who has come to the window "has detailed to the Director Artolazabal the director of Lanbide Borja Belandia accompanied by Nestor Arana.
Lanbide serves from there to the municipalities of Harana / Arana Valley, Salvatierra-Agurain, Barrundia, Iruraiz-Gauna, Zalduondo, Alegria-Dulantzi, and Asparrena; a population of 10,763 people with 710 job seekers.
In the Lanbide office of Agurain-Salvatierra, the digitalized registry is installed, which allows an agile and convenient processing of files. It is a local with an area of 189 square meters with waiting area, employment center, self-service, spaces for Lanbide attention without and by appointment, tutoring, internal management, confidential attention -violence of gender-, meeting room and archives and it is adapted to the new model of attention promoted within the improvement and update of Lanbide. It is served by seven people and was opened in 2004.