
Zibersegurtasuneko Euskal Zentroak industriarako kudeaketa gida bat eskaintzen du

Indutria 4.0 was just a short while ago and it came to stay. The Basque Country quickly adapted
This innovation and proposed changes, making the sector a benchmark worldwide.
Now, cybersecurity is taking on a lot of importance and that is why investing money in this area
it is indispensable. The Basque Center of Cybersecurity, all the companies to work against cybermaltx to be the option "for the person in charge of building a management system for Industrial Cybersecurity Guide to the SGCI ". 

Process automation has brought many advantages to the 2 sector. Computer production processes it has pushed the increase To maintain their competitiveness, they must support cybersecurity, which can bring about some problems: difficulties in the application of updates and maintenance in industrial automation and control systems, a low degree of awareness about the cybersecurity of the environments and any company in the sector  because there is no appropriate rule or practice to apply.

The guide was born with this objective, the Industrial Cycle -Security Center (CCI in Spanish) and ISA Along with the Spanish Section. If you wish to have a guide, send an email from your corporate emails You need and will be sent to you for free.
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