
Telefónica-k makinaria martxan jarri du Aura bultzatzeko

Ads on bus stops, videos on social networks, media advertising... Telefónica has launched all its machinery to make known Aura, its digital assistant based on the fourth platform and artificial intelligence. A movement headed by the President, José María Álvarez-Pallete, who already made clear that Telefónica's intention is to revolutionize the relationship with the customer and return the management of the data to the user.
The company wants the public to know Aura and how to interact with the digital assistant. Thus, Telefónica is going to start implementing in Spain its home device, Movistar home, presented in February at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, with which the client will access Aura.
With this target, the teleco has designed a plan with a wide campaign baptized like Meet Movistar Home, to announce the team between the clients.
Telefónica's goal is to launch the device to the market in October.
"We want to make the team known to Telefonica's clients," said Óscar Manbaita, head of Aura Development, in a presentation with the media.
Now, the operator will install Movistar Home and Aura in six large stores, three in Madrid and three in Barcelona, so that customers can try this digital assistant to receive feedback from the user and improve the device. The team can already be tested in the flagship of the company in the Gran via of the capital of Spain.
Among other innovations, with Aura will change the way to manage home automation services. Manbait has put examples such as the management of television with Movistar, which can be performed orally with Aura.
It will also allow the management of phone calls received by the user. Another Aura service will focus on allowing the customer to know what rates they have contracted or what the expense has been. "Born with all services integrated in the home of Movistar," said Manbaita. From October, Telefónica will take the service to more Spanish cities with new use commands. "We will have defined more tools of use once we have analyzed the utilization that the users make in these months", indicates manbait.
In general terms, Aura is Telefónica's biggest technological bet in recent years. In the first phase, the digital assistant is being premiered in six countries, UK, Germany, Brazil, Chile, Argentina and Spain itself, with four languages, Castilian, Portuguese, English and German. In the project, Telefónica has been supported by the technological giants Facebook, Google and Microsoft.
With regard to privacy issues, TELEFÓNICA officials have ensured that conversations are not recorded, while data is stored in secure sites, always under the control of the client itself.

Autobus geltokietan iragarkiak, sare sozialetako bideoak, iragarkiak komunikabideetan ... Telefoniak bere makineria jarri du abian Aura, bere laugarren plataforma eta adimen artifizialaren arabera, bere laguntzaile digitala. José María Álvarez-Pallete presidenteak berak zuzentzen duen mugimendua argi eta garbi azaltzen du Telefónicaren asmoa bezeroarekiko harremana iraultzea eta datuen kudeaketa erabiltzaileari itzultzea.
Enpresak publikoari Aura eta laguntzaile digitalarekin elkarreragiteko modua nahi du. Horrela, Telefonica-k Espainian inplementatuko du hasiera-hasierako gailua, Movistar Home, otsailean Bartzelonako Mobile World Kongresuan aurkeztua, bezeroak Aura-rekin sartzeko.
Helburu horrekin, telekomunikazioek kanpaina zabala duen plan bat diseinatu dute, Ezagutu Movistar Home izenarekin, bezeroen artean taldea ezagutzera emateko.
Telefónicaren helburua da gailua merkaturatzea urrian.
"Telefónica-ren bezeroak ezagutzen ditugun taldeak egin nahi ditugu", esan du Óscar Mancebo, Aura-ren garapenaren zuzendaria, komunikabideekin aurkezpen batean.
Orain, operadoreak Movistar Home eta Aura instalatuko ditu sei azalera handitan, hiru Madrilen eta hiru Bartzelonan, bezeroek laguntza digitala probatu dezaten erabiltzaileen iritziak jasotzeko eta gailua hobetzeko. Ekipamenduak dagoeneko probatu ahal izango dira Espainiako hiriburuan Gran Vía konpainiaren enblematikoan.
Beste berrikuntza batzuen artean, Aura etxetresna elektrikoen zerbitzuak kudeatzeko modua aldatu egingo da. Mancebo-k adibidez telebistako zuzendaritza Movistar + adibidez jarri du, Aura-rekin ahoz egin daitekeena.
Gainera, erabiltzaileak jasotako telefono deiak kudeatzeko aukera emango du. Aura-ren beste zerbitzu batek bezeroak zer kontratatu dituen edo zer gastu duen jakiteko aukera izango du. "Movistar-en etxeko zerbitzu integratu guztiekin jaio zen", esan zuen Mancebok. Urriaren hasieran, Telefónica-k espainiar hiri berriei zerbitzua emango die erabilera komando berriekin. "Hilabete hauetan erabiltzaileek egindako erabilera aztertu ondoren, erabilera-tresna gehiago definituko ditugu", dio Mancebok.
Oro har, Aura Telefónica azken urteotako apustu teknologiko handiena da. Lehenengo fasean, laguntzaile digitala sei herrialdeetan, Erresuma Batuan, Alemanian, Brasilen, Txilen, Argentinan eta Espainian estreinatzen ari da, lau hizkuntzatan, gaztelaniaz, portugesez, ingelesez eta alemanez. Proiektuan, Telefónicek Facebook, Google eta Microsoft erraldoi teknologikoen babesa izan du.
Pribatutasunari dagokionez, Telefónica-ko kudeatzaileek elkarrizketak erregistratu ez direla ziurtatzen dute, datuak gune seguruan gordetzen dira bitartean, beti bezeroaren kontrolpean.



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