Let's up about Europe

Positive data for Vocational Training and Dual

Increase the enrollment in Vocational Training and follow the increase of the Dual.

There is work for students of Industrial VT

A study by HETEL shows a labor insertion rate close to 100% of its students in industrial training cycles.

Dual Pofessional Trainning in Euskadi equals Employment

96% of the students who study VT obtain employment.

What is Dual Training?

Prestakuntza bikoitza ikastetxean eta enpresan edo erakundean prestakuntza aldien artean txandakatzea integratzen duen hezkuntza praktika gisa pentsatuta dago.

Dual university degrees in Euskadi for the 2019-2020 academic year

After the implementation of the Basque University-Enterprise Strategy, Euskadi will have dozens of dual university degrees for the 2019-2020 academic year, a type of study that continues to grow.

SEPIE grants 37 Erasmus + mobility letters for Vocational Training in 2019

Spain takes the lead in Europe with a total of 122 Erasmus + VT mobility accreditation accreditations.

Erasmus +, increasingly open

When talking about Erasmus +, students who choose to take a course abroad come to mind, but this mobility program is not aimed exclusively at the student of the locality.

ERASMUS a “personal brand” of talent in a professional

After thirty years of the most successful mobility program in the world, the figures amaze.

Erasmus + opens its borders

The Erasmus + mobility program offers the possibility of studying and practicing in countries practically all over the world.



Learn about the science that is done in Navarre, SINAI

Daisy Wang, Representing the World Digital Economy Forum in Europe

Smart & Green Fundazioa Summer Courses from UPV/EHU

Disruption in applied sustainability to change the world through education, technology and the city. FROM EMOTION TO DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION

What are you waiting for? Sign up

Jorge Toledo. EU Ambassador to China

Europe Day Celebration in China


Blockchain Conference La Rioja

Montse Guardia Güel, Eduardo Aginako, Luis Garvía and Javier Sánchez Marcos

Facebook or the big challenges

"You promised me colonies on Mars; instead, I received Facebook."
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