
59 business projects at the school business fair (I)

Last January, the fair of school companies was held in the Santa Barbara square in Gasteiz, one of the main milestones of the Araba Ekinean initiative, in fact. The Ikaspresa program has ended with the ceremony.

The first deputy mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz, Maider Etxebarria, the chief deputy of the Regional Council of Álava, Pilar Garría de Salazar, the Director of Digital Transformation and Entrepreneurship of the Basque Government, Leyre Madariaga, and the executive director of Vital Foundations, Axier Urresti, inaugurated the conference.

This year was the 20th edition of the Araba Ekinean initiative, and 59 business projects of students from 5 Vocational Education schools in Araba were presented: Mendizabal, Ciudad Jardin, Eraiken, Jesus Obrero and Arriaga. Proposals related to giving value to waste, recycling materials and devices and applications to make people's lives easier were highlighted. We always have this school business fair as a showcase for new business ideas created by students in our territory.

As first deputy mayor and economic development councilor Maider Etxeberria pointed out, the school business fair "is a success because it is the result of cooperation between institutions and because it is a demonstration of the great work done by the students. Thanks to this meeting, we open the door to future businesses that can be useful in strengthening the innovative nature of our city and creating jobs".

"Ekin Alava" suport, back

As every year, the Provincial Council of Álava has published the help to start in the province. This support is very interesting for all those who intend to start in Álava.

In this news we will explain everything you need to know to apply.

  1. Deadlines: You can request this assistance until 14:00 on March 1, 2023.
  2. Amount of aid: The amount of aid is up to €40,000.
  3. What is the purpose of this support: The main purpose of this support is to help the entrepreneurs of Álava to create new companies in the territory.
  4. Who can apply for this help? New companies as well as companies in the process of consolidation and expansion.

1. New companies

  • New companies All natural persons in Álava who have a project to create a new business unit.
  • Natural or legal persons from Álava, with a maximum of two years of seniority since the start of the activity or since it was formed on the day the application is made.
  • Legal entities from Álava who want to diversify their activity, presenting a specific project to create a new business unit.
  • Physical or legal persons with residence or activity outside Álava can also participate, if they relocate/set up a center.

2. Those in the process of consolidation and expansion:

  • Natural or legal persons who operate an activity center in Álava, who have benefited from the assistance of the Ekin Álava program during the creation of new companies in the last four years (2018-2021) and who have at least one and a maximum of ten jobs. Except for the promoters.

Discover the complete regulations and the basics at this address:


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